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Main » Psychoneurology

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Relationship of depression with a high risk of suicide is well known. Suicides committed about 15% of patients. In Russia in the last decade has sharply increased the frequency of suicides. Patients with depression account for 32-47% commit suicide. Among these men are 2-4 times more than women. The most common method of suicide was poisoning.

Higher suicide risk in psychotic depression and anxiety, as well as mixed states, with a combination of depressed moo ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 866 | Added by: Admin | Date: 27.02.2012 | Comments (0)

For patients with affective disorders characterized by accentuation on:
  • order
  • constancy
  • responsibility.
  • Along with the schizoid rigidity of mind there is a monotonic adynamic (gipertivny personality type).

In some cases, ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 898 | Added by: Admin | Date: 27.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Impulsive action - this is one of the manifestations of impulsivity. The action takes place instantly, without thinking, under the influence of passion, without the struggle of motives. It is short and often completely unmotivated.

Impulsive actions are the basis of disorders of impulsive instincts, characterized by aspirations to commit any act, master mind, intellect, and subordinating his patient's behavior. They are perceived as alien to the majority of p ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1349 | Added by: Admin | Date: 27.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Under the painful hypochondria meant to focus on his health with a tendency to ascribe a disease to a minor issue. This gives rise to a variety of painful sensations in various parts of the body.

For the MI is characterized by the dominance of the clinical picture of reactive anxiety concerns have arisen about their health in the absence of reasonable grounds for this. Such concerns often arise in people anxious and worried-or adynamic other than increased an ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1661 | Added by: Admin | Date: 27.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Hysterical personality disorder - the basic features:
  • emotionally charged desire for originality
  • the requirement of recognition by others
  • constant feeling of inner tension
  • hypersensitivity to interpersonal relationships.

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Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1411 | Added by: Admin | Date: 27.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Under the hysterical neurosis understand disease caused by trauma in the development of the role played by the mechanism of "flight into illness", "conditional pleasantness or desirability of" morbid symptom.

Clinical manifestations of disorders characterized by the prevalence of violations of bodily functions related to the category of foreign exchange.

Conversion - is the transformation of oppressive mood in the pathological syndrome. Hysterical conv ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 3966 | Added by: Admin | Date: 27.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Cardioneurosis is defined as a separate category of psychosomatic disorder organ neuroses. At the same time provides for the possibility of participation in the formation of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system of somatic (mainly cardiovascular) disease. Therefore, the diagnosis of a qualified cardioneurosis requires expert assessment of the patient as a psychiatrist and cardiologist.

Diagnostic criteria cardioneurosis:

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Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 6896 | Added by: Admin | Date: 27.02.2012 | Comments (0)