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Main » Infertility

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The methods of artificial insemination

Lack of effective methods to restore the natural fertility of man in cases of tubal and tubo-peritoneal infertility has stimulated the development of methods of artificial insemination. Recent years have seen rapid growth as the number of artificial insemination techniques thems ... Read more »

Category: Infertility | Views: 2129 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.06.2012 | Comments (0)

Cell therapy for female and male infertility

The method of treatment of male and female infertility with stem cells of their own, aimed first and foremost, is to eliminate the cause, that cause this disease. Cell therapy significantly increases the immunity of the person, so if the causes of male and female infertility are transf ... Read more »
Category: Infertility | Views: 2731 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.06.2012 | Comments (0)

Infertility - the inability of a couple to conceive through sexual intercourse without contraception, which lasted for 1 year. In 75-80% of pregnancies occur within the first 3 months of regular sexual life of young, healthy couple, that is when the husband's age - 30, and wife - 20 years. In the older age group (30-35 years), this period increases up to a year, and after 35 years - more than a year.

According to recent reports, approximately 35-40% of infert ... Read more »
Category: Infertility | Views: 1188 | Added by: Admin | Date: 20.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Infertility women

If the cause of sterile marriages are certain disorders in women, talking about female infertility.

Infertility is divided into:

If a woman has never been pregnant, talk about the primary infertility.

If a woman has had at least one pr ... Read more »
Category: Infertility | Views: 1690 | Added by: Admin | Date: 20.02.2012 | Comments (0)


Objective information about the state of the uterus and fallopian tubes may be obtained by X-ray studies of the uterus and tubes - study, known as hysterosalpingography (HSG).

Features of this procedure will be described below, but here, just shows what it looks like the uterus and tu ... Read more »
Category: Infertility | Views: 1373 | Added by: Admin | Date: 20.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Preparation of the uterus for pregnancy by corpus luteum hormone that is produced locally ruptured follicle after the release of his egg. Lack of hormones of the corpus luteum, or as they say, luteal phase defect, resulting in an inability to ensure the development of uterine pregnancy. In this case we also have endocrine infertility.

Indirect signs of hormonal imbalance inherent in the endocrine form of infertility are:
Category: Infertility | Views: 1324 | Added by: Admin | Date: 20.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Causes of infertility

There are cases when a woman and a man quite healthy, but pregnancy does not occur.

Sometimes this is due to their biological or immunological incompatibility, detectable by special tests:
  • identifying compatibility only with her husband 
  • ... Read more »
Category: Infertility | Views: 1616 | Added by: Admin | Date: 20.02.2012 | Comments (0)

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