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Main » Mammology

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When you need to contact mammologist

Mammology - the area of clinical medicine, dealing with problems associated with various diseases of the mammary glands. It was different, not just cancer. Breast problems in the past decade, increasing attention of scientists and the public are becoming increasingly relevant.

Statistic ... Read more »
Category: Mammology | Views: 1583 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.02.2012 | Comments (0)

The development of breast cancer

Mammary glands lie on the pectoral muscles, and outside are covered, as well as all of our body, skin, heavily pigmented areola of the nipple on the hill, which is of special significance among the female erogenous zones! And all because this soft pink 4-inch circle downright packed with sensitive nerve endings. Even the nipple skin is r ... Read more »

Category: Mammology | Views: 1091 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Structure and function of mammary gland

Mammary glands are not only a symbol of female beauty and sexuality, they must be adapted to perform its primary function, ie the production of milk for the newborn child. That is why the structure of the mammary gland is a convex disk of 15-20 lobes arranged in a circle and facing the tip of the nipple. Each share represents a ca ... Read more »

Category: Mammology | Views: 1879 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Mastitis - treatment methods

Mastitis - a very serious disease that can harm the health of both mother and child. Consequently, when the first signs of mastitis is an urgent need to seek medical advice. Each day of delay of treatment only increases the risk of serious complications for your health. Mastitis refers to infectious diseases ... Read more »

Category: Mammology | Views: 1562 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Mastitis - risk factors

Mastitis develops, usually in the lactation period (after birth), when the probability of infection in the ducts of the maximum. Mastitis pathogens most often are:

Category: Mammology | Views: 1303 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.02.2012 | Comments (0)

The genetic risk of breast cancer

Cellular changes in the mammary gland

These changes are found on biopsy - the study of breast tissue, in which a needle with a small piece of tissue is taken and then examined under a microscope.

There may be two types of cell changes.

Atypical ductal hyperplasia - excessive ... Read more »
Category: Mammology | Views: 994 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Forms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer - it is predominantly adenocarcinoma - that is, cancer of the glandular tissue. Ductal cancer can be, when the tumor starts to grow inside the ducts of the mammary glands and lobular (lobular, from Lat. Lobula - slice).

These forms can be infiltrative, ie, when the tumor invades the tis ... Read more »
Category: Mammology | Views: 1107 | Added by: Admin | Date: 18.02.2012 | Comments (0)