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Wednesday, 22.01.2025, 04:42
Main » Cardiology » Symptomatic hypertension 
Symptomatic hypertension

Symptomatic hypertension

Symptomatic or secondary hypertension is not an independent disease, and is accompanied by another disease, and serves as its симптомом.Симптоматические arterial hypertension account for 5-7% of all arterial hypertension. There are several forms of secondary hypertension.

Renovascular (renal) hypertension. There is a narrowing of renal arteries to the kidneys where not enough blood enters the kidneys and the synthesized substances that increase blood pressure. The narrowing of the renal arteries is atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta, the lumen is blocked if the renal artery, renal artery atherosclerosis itself with the formation of plaque narrowing of the lumen, occlusion of the artery thrombus, tumor, or compression of the artery hematoma, trauma, inflammation of the walls of the renal artery.

Can congenital dysplasia of the renal artery, where one or two arteries are narrowed since birth. Go to the emergence of renal hypertension and kidney disease cause - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal amyloidosis. During this hypertension is largely dependent on the underlying disease, the rapidity and extent of blockage of the renal artery. Patients with renovascular hypertension often feel good, even at very high numbers of blood pressure, do not lose efficiency.

Renal hypertension usually responds poorly to treatment with antihypertensive drugs. On examination, patients may complain of pain, then there is high blood pressure. Sometimes the noise is heard over the renal artery when listening to the abdomen. On radiographs can be different sizes of the kidneys. If excretory and isotope renography reduced renal function of one of the kidneys. Reliable evidence suschestvovoniya patient with renovascular hypertension are aortography and renal angiography (study of the aorta and renal arteries using contrast agents).

Treatment of renal hypertension is to treat the underlying disease.

Endocrine hypertension. Develops in diseases of the endocrine system pheochromocytoma, primary giperaldesteronizme, Cushing's syndrome, hyperparathyroidism (high parathyroid hormone production), Ray.

Pheochromocytoma - a tumor of the brain (internal), adrenal substance. Rare but causes severe hypertension. For a typical pheochromocytoma seizures or high blood pressure is stable to increasing. The patient may be complaining of headaches, sweating, heart palpitations, blurred vision. When receiving reserpine in such a patient can occur a sharp rise in blood pressure. An examination of the patient show high blood levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Pheochromocytoma diagnosed with renal artery arteriography or computed tomography. Treatment operative.

Cushing's syndrome is caused by increased synthesis of glucocorticoid hormones by the adrenal cortex. Symptoms weight gain, moon face, weakness, striae (stretch marks) on the lateral surfaces of the body. Diagnose the disease by studying the amount of adrenal hormones in the blood, angiography, or computed tomography. If Cushing's syndrome occurs when the adrenal tumor, surgical treatment.

Aldesteronizm primary (Conn's syndrome) is the result of adrenal adenomas. In the adrenal gland produces large amounts of aldosterone, a hormone regulating kidney function. Manifested by increased blood pressure, headaches, bouts of weakness, numbness in various parts of the body, arising from reducing the amount of potassium in the blood. Gradually disturbed renal function. Diagnosed with primary aldesteronizm by ultrasound and computed tomography.

Hemodynamic (mechanical), hypertension occurs in coarctation of the aorta, aortic valve insufficiency, unclosed ductus arteriosus, in the later stages of heart failure. The most common hemodynamic hypertension occurs when the aortic coarctation - congenital narrowing of the aortic area. In the outgoing vessels from the aorta above the constriction blood pressure dramatically increased, and in the waste receptacles below the constriction is reduced. Important for the diagnosis of a large difference between the blood pressure in the upper and lower extremities. The final diagnosis is established when contrast study of the aorta.

Treatment with high degrees of stenosis of the aortic surgery.

Neurogenic hypertension occurs in diseases of the nervous system. For high blood pressure cause brain tumors, stroke, injury and increased intracranial pressure.

Drug hypertension occurs when taking certain medicinal products. It may be oral contraceptives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ephedrine, stimulants of the nervous

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