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Vascular surgery - a rapidly developing branch of medicine that allows you to expand the possibilities of modern medicine and replace traditional surgery. Modern vascular surgery is minimally invasive species to the surgery. Modern technologies allow to carry out operations inside blood vessels, which suggests intravascular or endovascular surgery.

Initially, endovascular technique was designed for diagnostic purposes. Typically, the technique of endovascula ... Read more »
Category: Vascular surgery | Views: 936 | Added by: Admin | Date: 30.01.2012 | Comments (0)

The main types of endovascular procedures:

Angiography - x-ray blood vessels (arteries, veins, lymph), indicating narrowing or blockage of the place of the vessel, place and degree of pathological vascular dilatation (aneurysm), the presence of internal bleeding, the extent of tumor and other diseases that are identified by others can not . The study is performed by introducing into the vessel of a special contrast agen ... Read more »
Category: Vascular surgery | Views: 1334 | Added by: Admin | Date: 30.01.2012 | Comments (0)

What is angiography?

Angiography - a method of X-ray blood vessels (arteries, veins, lymph), indicating narrowing or blockage of the place of the vessel, place and degree of pathological vascular dilatation (aneurysm), the presence of internal bleeding, the extent of tumor and other diseases that are identified by others can not. The study is performed by introducing into the vessel of a special contrast agent, and both of the x-ray studies. The main componen ... Read more »
Category: Vascular surgery | Views: 969 | Added by: Admin | Date: 30.01.2012 | Comments (0)

As performed angiography

Angiographic study methodology is the introduction into the vascular bed of radiopaque substance. Immediately with the introduction of this substance produced a series of radiographic images.

 Depending on the type of angiographic contrast material entering the place may be different. To visualize the pathology of the arteries - arteriography, the varieties of which will be discussed in a separate article, the contras ... Read more »
Category: Vascular surgery | Views: 1383 | Added by: Admin | Date: 30.01.2012 | Comments (0)

Cerebral angiography - a method of X-ray study of cerebral vessels. For the first time cerebral angiography was performed Egasom Moniz in 1927. To date, the method of cerebral angiography was the gold standard in the study of the state of cerebral vessels.

The method of cerebral angiography to visualize space narrowing or blockage of blood vessels of the brain, to identify abnormal enlargement - an aneurysm (which are dangerous because they can suddenly ruptu ... Read more »
Category: Vascular surgery | Views: 1098 | Added by: Admin | Date: 30.01.2012 | Comments (0)

Coronary angiography - a minimally invasive procedure designed to study the coronary arteries and heart chambers. It is performed as a diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Coronary angiography is one of the procedures in cardiac surgery. This method allows you to visualize changes in coronary vessels such as clogging, narrowing, re-narrowing, thrombosis or aneurysmal enlargement of the lumen of these vessels, the size of the heart chambers, contractility of c ... Read more »
Category: Vascular surgery | Views: 1035 | Added by: Admin | Date: 30.01.2012 | Comments (0)

Angiography limb vessels include arteriography, phlebography lymphography. Angiography limb vessels used to determine the status of the vascular bed of hands or feet. Let's discuss each of the methods.
Peripheral arteriography

This method is used to detect this pathology vessels of the extremities as narrowing of the arteries or occlusion in atherosclerosis, embolism, and aneurysm and adhesions to the vein - arterio-venous shunts. The method consists of i ... Read more »
Category: Vascular surgery | Views: 1080 | Added by: Admin | Date: 30.01.2012 | Comments (0)