Otolaryngology - medical discipline dealing with the treatment and prevention of diseases of the ear, pharynx, larynx and nose.
The nasal cavity is lined with mucous membrane and is connected through narrow openings in the maxillary (maxillary) sinus and the frontal sinus. Abundant blood supply to the nose e
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Malformations of the nose
Congenital anomalies of the external nose caused by disturbance of embryonic development are relatively rare. This is a complete absence or underdevelopment of the nose, excessive growth of its parts, abnormal position and development of the whole nose or of its departments.
In practice, such marked deformity of t
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The deformation of the nasal septum
The reason for the deformation of the nasal septum can be caused by physiological, traumatic and compensatory factors.
Physiological distortion occurs when non-compliance in the growth of the nasal septum and bone framework in which it is inserted. Growth outstrips the growth of several partitions of the fac
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Allergic diseases of the paranasal sinuses
Allergic diseases of the paranasal sinuses are a special category of pathological conditions of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, resulting from hypersensitivity to foreign protein and as a result of neurological and endocrine disorders. As a rule, involved in the process of the maxillary sinus and the ethmoi
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Vasomotor rhinitis
There are two forms of vasomotor rhinitis:
In the etiology of allergic rhinitis vasomotor shape plays a crucial role allergen - the substance for which there is increased sensitivity of the organism.
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Treatment of chronic rhinitis
With various forms of chronic rhinitis treatment includes:
- Elimination of possible endo-and exogenous factors contributing to and supporting the common cold.
- Drug therapy for each form of the common cold.
- Surgical intervention is indicate
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Hematoma, abscess, perforation of the nasal septum
The cause of the nasal septum hematoma, usually a nose injury, at which there is bleeding between the cartilage or bone plate walls, on the one hand, and the perichondrium (periosteum) - on the other. In rare cases, the formation of hematoma in infectious diseases, especially viral diseases. Often the nasal septum hemat
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