Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses
Acute and chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane and bony walls of the sinuses are found in 25-30% of cases.
The most commonly occurs in inflammation of the maxillary - maxillary sinus - sinusitis. This is due to the fact that the evacuation of the conten
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Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
The most common suppurative polypous and form of chronic sinusitis polypous. Somewhat less allergic catarrhal and wall-gipreplasticheskaya rarely holesteatomnaya, caseous, necrotic and ozenoznaya form of the disease.
A characteristic feature of exudative forms of chronic sinusitis is a differen
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Ethmoiditis - chronic inflammation of the ethmoidal labyrinth cells
Chronic ethmoiditis usually begins after the acute illness, often acute and chronic inflammation of the maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinuses leads to secondary lesions ethmoidal labyrinth cells, since they occupy a central position with respect to these sinuses. In this regard, chronic ethmoiditis ra
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Chronic inflammation of the frontal sinuses
The most common cause of acute frontal transition to chronic persistent violation of a cross-fronto-nasal canal, lowering the reactivity of the organism, especially since the common infectious diseases. This is facilitated by the middle turbinate hypertrophy, significant distortion of the nasal septum, the narrowness and curvature of the front
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Treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sfenoidita)
Treatment of sinusitis is usually conservative - mainly ensuring good drainage of the sinus contents. When the temperature of the body recommended bed rest and the appointment of fever and antinevralgicheskih (acetylsalicylic acid, Amidopyrine).
In severe in
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Chronic tonsillitis
Preconditions for the emergence and development of chronic tonsillitis are anatomical and topographical and histological features of tonsils, the presence of conditions in their lacunae vegetirovaniya microflora disturbance of biological processes and protective-adaptive mechanisms in mindalikovoy tissue. Lowering the overall and local reactivity, often associated wi
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Chronic inflammatory diseases of the larynx
Chronic catarrhal laryngitis. Disease in most cases is the result of an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Individuals whose profession is connected with the load on the voice box (singers, readers, lecturers, etc.), the main cause of this disease is its long-term strain. Are important occupational factor
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