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Thursday, 24.10.2024, 06:43
Main » ENT Diseases » Ethmoiditis - chronic inflammation of the ethmoidal labyrinth cells 
Ethmoiditis - chronic inflammation of the ethmoidal labyrinth cells

Ethmoiditis - chronic inflammation of the ethmoidal labyrinth cells

Chronic ethmoiditis usually begins after the acute illness, often acute and chronic inflammation of the maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinuses leads to secondary lesions ethmoidal labyrinth cells, since they occupy a central position with respect to these sinuses. In this regard, chronic ethmoiditis rarely isolated.

In most cases, there are catarrhal, serous, catarrhal-suppurative and hyperplastic forms of chronic etmoidita, which are characterized by a significant thickening of the mucous membrane, the formation of polypous vegetation.

Sometimes polyps are solitary, but more often they are multiple. Typically, each of them has a thin stem, and the shape depends on the surrounding contours of the nose. Rare polypous changes are not individual polyps, as well as a continuous section of polypoid mucosa. In cases where there are multiple polyps, they can put pressure on the nose and even cause its outer deformatsiyu.U infants polypous changes in the nasal mucosa are rare.

In chronic ethmoiditis symptoms depends on the active process. In remission the patient periodically worried about the headache, usually in the root of the nose, nose, and sometimes diffused. In the serous-catarrhal form of discharge light, plentiful. Purulent form is accompanied by scanty discharge, which dries and forms crusts. Often have nasal odor. Involvement of the posterior ethmoidal labyrinth cells leads to the accumulation of nasopharyngeal more often in the morning, it is expectorated with difficulty. The sense of smell, as a rule is violated to varying degrees. At rhinoscopy revealed catarrhal changes mainly in the middle parts of the nose, there are localized polypous education.

Polyps can be light gray or pale pink. In most cases there are multiple small ethmoiditis polyps.

In chronic empyema ethmoiditis can be formed. In such cases, only the outward deformation of the nose or eye socket may be the reason for their recognition.

The general condition of patients is satisfactory, but may experience irritability, weakness, fatigue. In the period of exacerbation of symptoms of acute inflammation (abundant nasal discharge, difficulty breathing, pressing pain in the back of the nose, temperature).

In uncomplicated forms of chronic treatment etmoidita most conservative. In some cases it is combined with intranasal surgery (removal of polyps, opening ethmoidal labyrinth cells, partial resection of the turbinates).

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