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Thursday, 24.10.2024, 06:43
Main » ENT Diseases » Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses 
Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

The most common suppurative polypous and form of chronic sinusitis polypous. Somewhat less allergic catarrhal and wall-gipreplasticheskaya rarely holesteatomnaya, caseous, necrotic and ozenoznaya form of the disease.

A characteristic feature of exudative forms of chronic sinusitis is a different type and quality of discharge, usually from one half of the nose, which can be plentiful during the exacerbation.

When sinus purulent discharge may be thick or thin, often with the smell. Muco-purulent discharge poorly otsmarkivaetsya, nasyhaet crusts.

Catarrhal sinusitis is accompanied by copious mucous secretions viscid, often trapped in the nose, dry up and form crusts.

When serous allergic sinus fluid usually serous discharge. Sometimes the predominant complaint is an unpleasant odor that is felt by the patient. On the side of the affected sinuses, generally a violation of smell up to anosmia, usually a respiratory nature. The headache usually appears only in the period of acute difficulty of the process or at the outflow of the contents of the sinuses.

Exacerbation of chronic sinusitis may be accompanied by high fever, worsening health, the appearance of painful swelling cheeks and swelling of the eyelids, headache. Outflow of pus from the sinus increases with the tilt of the head in the opposite direction and somewhat posterior. Permanent or periodically flowing discharge irritates the mucous membrane, which causes it to congestion, inflammation and swollen hypertrophy. Inflammation of the maxillary sinus contributes to the formation of polyps, which usually come from middle nasal passage.

A feature of the disease in childhood is more pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. In some cases the swelling is accompanied by disturbance of nasal respiration and simulates the chronic inflammatory process.

In rare cases, the presence of dental granulomas, cysts and fistulas in the sinus can be formed from squamous cells of cholesteatoma, its occurrence is possible in a cylindrical ciliated epithelium metaplasia in the flat, which is also in empiemah sinus, after extensive public injury. The pressure causes resorption of bone holeostomy walls of the sinuses.

The true retention cyst or sinus formed by the blockage of mucous glands swelling slizistnoy shell. Retention in addition to sinus may occur, and pseudocyst. These cysts are very small, arise in the course of any chronic sinus.

The main symptom of a sinus cyst is headache. In some cases there is a mucous or serous discharge as a result of continued serous catarrh or sinusitis. Sometimes you may see intermittent excessive short-term outflow of fluid from one side of the nose, indicating that the spontaneous evacuation of the cyst. Pressure on the cyst wall of the sinus causes bone resorption up to the formation of bone defect, the most medial or anterior wall of the sinus.

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