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Sunday, 02.02.2025, 04:36
Main » Infertility » Rectal temperature - a way to assess ovarian function 
Rectal temperature - a way to assess ovarian function

Preparation of the uterus for pregnancy by corpus luteum hormone that is produced locally ruptured follicle after the release of his egg. Lack of hormones of the corpus luteum, or as they say, luteal phase defect, resulting in an inability to ensure the development of uterine pregnancy. In this case we also have endocrine infertility.

Indirect signs of hormonal imbalance inherent in the endocrine form of infertility are:
  • obesity
  • excessive body hair on the male pattern (on the face, chest, abdomen, thighs)
  • the presence of acne on the face, back, chest
  • selection of colostrum or milk from the mammary glands, especially in nulliparous women

However, the most informative and reliable indicator of ovarian hormonal function is a curve of rectal temperature (RT) for several menstrual cycles.

The figures shows the curves of rectal temperature of healthy women and in certain types of disorders of ovulation. The temperature curve for the normal (ovulatory) menstrual cycle. The temperature curve for anovulation (lack of ovulation). The temperature curve for failure of the corpus luteum.

It should be stressed - to the RT was informative, it should be measured:
  • for 5-7 minutes
  • at the same time
  • the same thermometer
  • in the morning without getting in bed

Thermometer is introduced into the rectum about 4-5 cm

It is important to note the following: Rectal temperature - a simple, reliable and, above all, the only way to assess ovarian function over a long period of time. Therefore, overcoming the natural laziness, rectal temperature should be measured at least 2-3 cycles continuously, including the days of menstruation. NEVER throw graphics rectal temperature.

Conventional symbols on the chart it is desirable to observe the days of intimacy, because, in addition to all the above, for the pregnancy is necessary that the egg is met in a tube with sperm at a fixed time, corresponding to the graph the most fertile period. You should not wait for refraining from intimacy, persistent rise in temperature. This is a mistake! Then it's too late. By the temperature curves define the most probable period of conception, and in the coming months, try to have a relationship with her husband during this period, preferably in a day.

Mark on the chart all treatments that you get about infertility. It is very important because to evaluate ovarian response to treatment. It turned out a retreat in favor of RT. It is especially necessary for those women who have many years of being treated for infertility, yet have never measured the temperature as expected. Experience shows that many women accept medical claims to measure rectal temperature as a formality or a whim.

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