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Saturday, 08.02.2025, 23:51
Main » Mammology » Lumpectomy - surgical treatment of breast cancer 
Lumpectomy - surgical treatment of breast cancer

Lumpectomy - surgical treatment of breast cancer

Organ-operation lies in the fact that after they left some part of the female breast. Perhaps you could hear from the surgeons names such as excisional biopsy, lumpectomy, partial mastectomy, re-excision, kvadrantektomy and wedge resection.

Technically, lumpectomy is a partial mastectomy, since this operation removes part of the breast. However, the volume of the removed breast cancer can be very different. For example, when removed kvadrantektomii a quadrant - a quarter of breast cancer.

Lumpectomy - is the most widely used form of sparing surgery for breast cancer. At the same time removes only a portion of the breast, which is a small amount of tumor and normal tissue. After a lumpectomy is usually removed tissue is subjected to histological examination for the presence of cancer cells at the edges of a remote section of the prostate.

In addition, lumpectomy is usually supplemented by a course of radiotherapy to be completely sure that all the tumor cells are destroyed.

If the edges in a remote area of the breast cancer cells are found, then conducted a second operation - the so-called reekstsiziya (re-excision). In most cases, after a lumpectomy performed 5 - 7 sessions of radiotherapy. Thus, the combination of lumpectomy and radiation therapy is sparing surgery.

The effectiveness of lumpectomy

The main principle of treatment of breast cancer is that treatment must be subjected to the entire gland. This can be achieved:
  • Mastectomy - total removal of the breast
  • Lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy.

In recent years conducted a large number of studies to determine the equivalence of the effect of lumpectomy with radiation therapy and mastectomy in the treatment of breast cancer. Studies have shown that lumpectomy combined with radiation therapy is really as effective as mastectomy in women:
  • On the one tumor in the breast,
  • If the tumor is less than 4 cm and removed with a "clean" margins.

Currently, these investigations are continuing. New studies of the subject also confirm these results on women younger than 50 years (ie, premenopausal). Other studies show that lumpectomy with radiation therapy are effective even in women with very small tumors (less than 1 cm).

Often, older physicians adhere to conservatism in this regard and try to perform a mastectomy. However, recent studies have shown that women older than 75 years after lumpectomy with radiation therapy live longer than those who did not pass the course exposure to radiation. This study emphasizes the importance of this type of operation for all women with breast cancer, regardless of age

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