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Main » Psychoneurology

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The concept of "psychogenic" brings together a wide range of disorders, which are influenced by psychological trauma.

From a clinical point of view are the following forms of reactive disorders:
acute stress reaction (affective-shock response)
hysterical psychosis
psychogenic depression
psychogenic mania
psychogenic paranoia.

Acute shock reactions are described under the name "psychosis of terror", but also appear in the literature, term ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1733 | Added by: Admin | Date: 26.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Psychosis - is expressed in the form of mental disorders in which the patient's mental activity characterized by a sharp discrepancy between reality, a reflection of grossly distorted the real world, which manifests itself in behavioral disturbances and unusual manifestation of psychosis in her normal pathological symptoms and syndromes (disorders of perception, memory, thinking, affectivity and others). Psychosis does not generate new phenomena, and is the result o ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1131 | Added by: Admin | Date: 24.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Psychosomatic disorders - a group of disease states that result from the interaction of psychic and somatic factors and manifest somatization of mental disorders, mental disorders, reflecting a reaction to physical illness, or the development of somatic diseases influenced by psychogenic factors.

In modern medicine, psychosomatic medicine are part of clinical, psychological, epidemiological and laboratory studies, which highlight the role of stress in the dev ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1713 | Added by: Admin | Date: 24.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Disorders of habits and impulses - disorder, characterized by the desire to commit any act, master mind, intellect, and subordinating his patient's behavior. They are perceived as alien to the majority of patients, absurd, painful condition.

Impulsive actions are implemented without a struggle of motives and internal resistance. Only in some cases may present conflict of motives, which may last from several seconds to several hours. However, despite attempts ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1164 | Added by: Admin | Date: 24.02.2012 | Comments (0)

This group of maladaptive disorders, including a wide range of affective disorders, which are the manifestation of adverse effects associated with psychosocial stress. More often it may be irreversible loss - the death of family, divorce, break or separation from a loved one, as well as conflicts at work, material losses.

There are:

Acute depressive reactions (less than 1 month), which can start after the manifestati ... Read more »

Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 962 | Added by: Admin | Date: 24.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression that occurs in autumn and winter, and passing in the spring and summer.

The main cause of seasonal depression is the lack of sunlight. This leads to a change in circadian (daily) rhythms, and some disruption of production of hormones, including melatonin.

The main clinical manifestations of seasonal depression:
  • increase in the duration of sleep, difficulty ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1397 | Added by: Admin | Date: 24.02.2012 | Comments (0)

The main symptoms of anorexia nervosa:
  • weight loss of more than 15% of the original
  • painful conviction of its own fullness, even despite the low weight

The basis of the disease is relentless desire to lose weight, which is implemented by the patients diet, exe ... Read more »
Category: Psychoneurology | Views: 1112 | Added by: Admin | Date: 24.02.2012 | Comments (0)