This group of maladaptive disorders, including a wide range of affective disorders, which are the manifestation of adverse effects associated with psychosocial stress. More often it may be irreversible loss - the death of family, divorce, break or separation from a loved one, as well as conflicts at work, material losses.
There are:
Acute depressive reactions (less than 1 month), which can start after the manifestation of affective-shock response (anxiety or aimless throwing and motor retardation, psychogenic amnesia). At the height of affective disorders is dominated by deep despair, fear, the thought of death, sleep and appetite.
Prolonged depressive reaction (2 years) are more likely to arise in connection with long-term stressful situation. Along with depression, tearfulness, gloomy pessimistic vision of the future are more frequent asthenia, asthenovegetative and hypochondriacal symptoms.
For depressive reaction characterized by the concentration of consciousness in the event disaster struck. A comprehensive range of depression is not fully dezaktualiziruetsya even when depression is prolonged and more worn. As dezaktualizauii stress symptoms of depression are not completely leaving no pathological changes.
If there are psychogenic depression of various types: