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Neurology, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Oncology, Obesity, Endocrinology, Vascular surgery - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, description of the disease.

Saturday, 27.07.2024, 10:38

//eurodoctor.ucoz.com independent health portal where you can find information on such topics as medicine: Neurology, Vertebrology, Neurosurgery, Psychoneurology, Gastroenterology, Proctology, Pulmonology, Andrology, Urology, Infertility, Mammology, Gynecology, Cardiology, Oncology, Organ transplantation, Traumatology, Pediatrics, ENT Diseases, Ophthalmology, Obesity, Vascular surgery, Phlebology, Endocrinology. The causes of diseases, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, description of disease, medication side effects, the structure and function of organs, and prevention of diseases.

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Causes of disk herniation, spinal injury, Risk factors for a herniated disc.

Among the main causes of a herniated disc, you can mention two:
  • Age-related changes in the disc
  • Injuries to the spine

Despite its strength in the intervertebra ... Read more »
Category: Vertebrology | Views: 1406 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Symptoms of a herniated disc

Pain in the leg with herniated disc

Symptoms of a herniated disk herniation depend on the location and size. If a herniated disc does not put pressure on the spinal nerves, the manifestations of disc herniation can only be a pain in the back or even may be no symptoms.

If t ... Read more »
Category: Vertebrology | Views: 925 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Treatment of a herniated disc, review treatments disk herniation

The goal of treatment for a herniated disc:

  • The symptoms of pain, weakness and numbness in his leg and back pain, caused by compression of the hernia or spinal nerve roots.
  • The return of the patient and the normal operation of ... Read more »
Category: Vertebrology | Views: 1150 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Surgical treatment of a herniated disc

The main surgical treatment for a herniated disc is discectomy surgery - removal of the intervertebral disc with herniation, which causes compression of the nerve. Before performing the discectomy, your doctor may remove a small piece of the affected vertebra - the so-called laminectomy. This operation allows the s ... Read more »

Category: Vertebrology | Views: 1419 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

lumbar laminectomy,  How is the laminectomy

Lumbar laminectomy (also known as open decompression) is usually performed to relieve pain caused by nerve root compression stenosis of the lumbar spine.

Laminectomy is the removal of a small piece o ... Read more »
Category: Vertebrology | Views: 1175 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Methods of surgical treatment for herniated discs of the cervical 

Most patients with a herniated disc does not require surgical treatment. Approximately half of these patients have resolution of symptoms of disc herniation within 1 month. 96% of patients recover within 6 months. Only 10% of patients with disc herniation conservative therapy is ineffective for the elimination of pa ... Read more »

Category: Vertebrology | Views: 1054 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

A herniated cervical disc, cause of such symptoms of a herniated disc.

As you know, a herniated disc can occur not only in the lumbar spine, but also in the neck. It usually occurs in people aged 30-50 years. The cause of a herniated disc in the cervical spinal injury may be in this area.
... Read more »

Category: Vertebrology | Views: 929 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)