Pulmonary tuberculosis
The causative agent - Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection occurs by Chach of airborne droplets by the infection.
The early period of primary tuberculous infection - 6-12 months. after infection. In predallergichesky period - the time from penetration of mycobacteria before a positive tuberculin reaction (6-8 weeks).. "Virage" tuberculin reacti
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Feohromatsitoma - tumor chromaffin tissue, a large amount of catecholamines. Most often the tumor is localized in the adrenal glands, rarely develops from clusters of chromaffin tissue in the ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system and paraganglia retroperitoneal space.
Very rarely feohromatsitoma located outside the abdominal cavity (mediastinum, brain, pleural cavity). The tumor may be benign and malignant (feohromablastoma).
Clinical symptoms caus
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Bleeding diathesis
Chronic idiopathic platelet purpora - the most common form in children hemorrhagic diathesis due to a significant decrease in platelet count and reduced resistance of the capillaries.
The most common form of chronic idiopathic immune platelet purpory. Under the influence of various endo-and exogenous factors antiplatelet
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Chronic renal failure
Chronic renal failure is diagnosed in children with urinary organs, while maintaining them within 3-6 months of decline in glomerular filtration less than 20 ml \ min, an increase in serum creatinine and urea.
Over 50 diseases (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, nephropathy, etc.) that manifest r
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Chronic leukemia
Chronic leukemia - a system hyperplastic myeloproliferative process in violation of the maturation of cells of granulocytic series on the stage promyelocytes, myelocytes. Although the disease begins slowly, proceeds extremely heterogeneous.
Two stages of leukemia
Enuresis - bed wetting. Found in preschool and school-age children (usually boys). Distinguish the functional form of enuresis, due to the influence of psychogenic factors, defects of education, past infectious diseases and emerging diseases with a reflex urinary system, and the organic (change of spinal cord defects in development).
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Peptic ulcer disease
So far, no unified theory of the causes of peptic ulcer disease. Distinguish between primary and predisposing factors that lead to peptic ulcer disease.
The main factors of peptic ulcer:
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