Feohromatsitoma - tumor chromaffin tissue, a large amount of catecholamines. Most often the tumor is localized in the adrenal glands, rarely develops from clusters of chromaffin tissue in the ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system and paraganglia retroperitoneal space.
Very rarely feohromatsitoma located outside the abdominal cavity (mediastinum, brain, pleural cavity). The tumor may be benign and malignant (feohromablastoma).
Clinical symptoms caused by excessive production of feohromatsitomy adrenaline and noradrenaline. The most common symptoms include headache, pale skin, sweating weight loss, tachycardia, weakness, nausea, vomiting, noises on the vessels. The majority of patients detected in the urine protein, white blood cells, red blood cells, which sometimes causes an incorrect diagnosis of renal hypertension. In the blood plasma significantly increased levels of renin and aldosterone.
Feohromatsitoma can mimic an acute abdomen, myocardial infarction, renal colic, brain tumor, etc. In children, the inadequacy of fever and severe clinical course of atypical opportunistic diseases.
Classic crisis in feohromatsitome develops suddenly and sharply manifested by weakness, pallor, cold extremities, which are covered with crimson spots, severe headache and a significant increase in blood pressure. The pupils dilate, breathing and heart rate are increasing, it is often nausea and vomiting observed aggressive behavior and agitation until the psychosis. Crisis may last from several minutes to several hours and is often triggered by a massage, straining, phys. Exercise, vasodilator.
The most specific sign of feohromatsitomy is a significant increase in urinary catecholamines and vinililmindalnoy acid in urine.
Treatment feohromatsitomy surgery. When the operation time prognosis is good, there is complete recovery.