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Friday, 13.09.2024, 14:10
Main » Pediatrics » Chronic leukemia 
Chronic leukemia

Chronic leukemia

Chronic leukemia - a system hyperplastic myeloproliferative process in violation of the maturation of cells of granulocytic series on the stage promyelocytes, myelocytes. Although the disease begins slowly, proceeds extremely heterogeneous.

Two stages of leukemia
  • detailed (chronic phase disease)
  • terminal (acute phase, "blast" crisis).

In the developed stage of leukemia increased size of the liver and spleen to a greater extent. "Juvenile" form of the disease is characterized by severe hemorrhagic syndrome. Often develop perisplenity, heart attacks spleen.

Chronic phase of leukemia includes the period of the disease to "blast" crisis. In the peripheral blood leukocyte count usually elevated, symptoms usually naorostayut vterminalnoy phase of the disease. Thrombocytopenia significantly expressed in the "juvenile" variant, ESR increased.

In leykogramme - lymphopenia, mild granulocytopenia, shift to the left to individual myeloblasts in a significant number of promyelocytes, myelocytes and metamyelocytes. Increased number of eosinophils and basophils, bone marrow gipertsellyulyarny.

Children are the following clinical stage leukemia:
  • Stage I - initial, pre-clinical
  • Stage II detailed the clinical manifestations
  • III - Transition
  • IV - the acute phase, the terminal period.

"Juvenile" form of the disease occurs most acutely. Prognosis is poor, unnecessarily modern treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia is ineffective, probably advisable to connect the active cytostatic therapy in the early stages of the disease.

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