Limfogranulomatoz (Hodgkins disease)
Limfogranulomatoz (Hodgkin's disease) - the most common disease of a group of malignant lymphomas. Limfogranulomatoz regarded as a neoplastic process, which extends from the primary tumor through lymphatic metastasis, often with the release of the pathological process outside of lymphatic tissue in the stage of generalization.
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Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis of the pancreas) - a systemic hereditary disease that affects exocrine glands. The cause of cystic fibrosis is a genetic mutation, transmitted in an autosomal - retsissivnomu type.
Distinguish the following basic forms of cystic fibrosis:
Hereditary hemolytic anemia
Microspherocytic hemolytic anemia (anemia of Minkowski-Chauffard)
At the heart disease is genetically caused anomaly structure of erythrocyte membranes, which leads to the formation of spherocytes, which are subjected to the enhanced destruction mainly in the spleen, resulting in anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly.<
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Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes insipidus (insipidus exhaustion) - a chronic disease, the occurrence of which is associated with insufficient activity of antidiuretic hormone, or lack of response of renal tubules to antidiuretic hormone.
There are three forms of diabetes insipidus:
Primary aldosteronism (Conns syndrome)
In 1955, Conn described a special form of hypertension caused by a tumor in humans aldestoronprodutsiruyuschey glomerular zone of adrenal cortex.
Clinical and laboratory manifestations of the syndrome are due to Conn's excess aldosterone in the body - the main mineralocorticoid hormone, which stimulat
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Malformations of the wall of the trachea and bronchi
Malformations of the structural elements of the wall of the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles are morphologically related to the absence, shortage or disruption of the cartilage or elastic and muscle tissue, they share a similar pathological mechanism - the weakness of the bronchial wall.
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Aplastic anemia
Aplastic anemia - a systemic disease characterized by hypo-or aplastic condition of blood, with the defeat of the branches of hematopoiesis, which is expressed normocytic normochromic anemia and related granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia.
Taken to distinguish between two main groups of aplastic anemia:
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