Glaucoma causes
Glaucoma is a disease that occurs due to violations of hydrodynamics eye (intraocular fluid motion). When glaucoma occurs periodically or permanently increased intraocular pressure. Under the influence of elevated intraocular pressure narrowed field of vision, reduced central vision, there is atrophy of the optic nerve. Outcome of the disease is blindnes
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Primary glaucoma in adults
Primary glaucoma in adults usually occurs after age 40. The diagnosis of glaucoma set in the measurement of intraocular pressure. To investigate the intraocular pressure may be at palpation of the eyeball, and you can suspect the increase or decrease in intraocular pressure. For the objective measurement of intraocular pressure using special u
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An acute attack of glaucoma
An acute attack of glaucoma - a dangerous condition that can result in loss of vision if the patient does not receive timely medical care. There is an acute attack of glaucoma is most often in the second half of the night between the third and fourth hour. By the time of waking the patient develops detailed picture of the attack:
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Anatomy of the lachrymal tract
The main function of the lacrimal gland - is the development of lacrimal fluid. In addition to the lacrimal gland, lacrimal fluid is produced by special cells, which are located deep in the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva) and are called goblet. Lacrimal gland lies in the
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Inflammatory disease of the lacrimal gland
Inflammatory disease of the lacrimal gland is Dacryoadenitis. Dakrioadenit is acute or chronic.
Acute inflammation of the lacrimal gland is a rare and usually in children. Independently, he practically does not occur, but appears as a complication
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Canalikulitis, Inflammatory diseases of the lachrymal apparatus
- an inflammatory disease of the lacrimal canaliculus. It is a rare disease. Most often kanalikulit proceeds chronically. There is inflammation in the tear ducts when hit by dust specks. In many cases kanalikulit caused by a fungus. The patient is worried a
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Blepharitis, treatment of blepharitis
Blepharitis is an inflammation of the lid margin. Contribute to the emergence of blepharitis weakening the body's defenses during prolonged inflammatory diseases, chronic infections, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Of great importance are sanitary and hygienic conditions of the patient, lack of vitamins in the diet,
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