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Sunday, 02.02.2025, 06:17
Main » Ophthalmology » Canaliculitis, Inflammatory diseases of the lachrymal apparatus 
Canaliculitis, Inflammatory diseases of the lachrymal apparatus

Canalikulitis, Inflammatory diseases of the lachrymal apparatus

Canalikulitis  - an inflammatory disease of the lacrimal canaliculus. It is a rare disease. Most often kanalikulit proceeds chronically. There is inflammation in the tear ducts when hit by dust specks. In many cases kanalikulit caused by a fungus. The patient is worried about tearing, purulent extracted from the inner corner of eyes, sometimes swelling and redness at the corner of the eye. When pressed on the area of tear ducts, you can see a selection of pus from the lacrimal points.

Drug treatment is ineffective
of Canalikulitis . Surgical treatment. Tubule dissected, the contents of his stomach removed the special, then treated with an antiseptic solution. Kanalikulita complication may be narrowing of the tubule (stricture) or complete closure of its lumen (obliteration). Treatment of complications and surgery.


Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac. Dacryocystitis usually occurs when the outflow of tears violations caused by the restrictions are, and imperforate nasolacrimal duct. In this case the tear fluid stagnates in the lacrimal sac, and the conditions for the development of infection in the lacrimal sac. Since the violation of the outflow is constant tears, becomes chronic dacryocystitis. The patient is worried about tearing, mucopurulent discharge from the eyes. In the area of the lacrimal sac may be a painful protrusion. Sometimes this bulge attains a large size (hydrops lacrimal sac). If you try to wash lacrimal fluid flushed into the nose does not fit.

In the long dacryocystitis may develop cellulitis or purulent lacrimal sac corneal ulcer. Purulent corneal ulcer is formed in this case, even with a slight injury of the cornea has fallen into the eye speck, dust, etc. Under the conditions of existence of a permanent infection in the lacrimal sac, persistent corneal ulcer takes over and responds poorly to treatment.

Occurrence of corneal ulcers - this is an indication for urgent surgical treatment dacryocystitis. Acute suppurative peridakriotsistit (lacrimal sac abscess) occurs as a complication of dacryocystitis, when the inflammatory process extends to the surrounding tissue. In the area of the lacrimal sac appear redness, swelling, pain, which are rapidly increasing. Edema extends into the century, the temporal area. The patient can not open his eyes. The body temperature rises to high numbers. Headache, weakness, fatigue.

Treatment of cellulitis. Suspicion of the lacrimal sac phlegmon requires hospitalization and use of broad spectrum antibiotics. In the softening of the abscess opened and drained by phlegmon.

Treatment of chronic dacryocystitis. Conservative treatment was ineffective. Surgically dissect the lacrimal sac and create a fistula between him and the nasal cavity. This operation restores the flow of tears. After surgical treatment of inflammation gradually subside.

Dacryocystitis newborn

Newborn children dacryocystitis occurs when anomalies of lachrymal tract, which creates a barrier drain tears. In utero development of output (mouth) closed nasolacrimal duct loose membrane. At the first breath a newborn, this membrane is destroyed. But sometimes the membrane is more dense and its removal difficult. Perhaps the inherent restriction of the mouth of the channel or complete overlap of the output channel. In this case the mouth of the nasolacrimal duct into the nose closed and the canal ends blind end.

Lacrimal fluid stagnates in the lacrimal sac. With the penetration of microorganisms, they find a favorable environment for development. Most often, the outflow of tears difficulty comes when the child begins to cry tears. But sometimes in the first week of life appears watery and muco-purulent discharge from the eyes. When pressed on the lacrimal sac area appear pus from the lacrimal points. In the area of the lacrimal sac is a small swelling. Sometimes there is redness of the conjunctiva. If lavage lacrimal washing liquid does not pass into the nose.

Dacryocystitis infants should be treated immediately, otherwise it becomes chronic, complicated by different seam tear duct, an abscess and phlegmon lacrimal sac. At the beginning appoint cautious massage the lacrimal sac, and the membrane, which covers the tear path may be destroyed, and cross paths restored. Once appointed instillation of antiseptic solutions. If the tear duct patency is not restored, it tries to flush the tear path under pressure. In the absence of success, apply bougienage, which usually turns out to be successful.

Early treatment of neonatal dacryocystitis leads to recovery of 99% of patients. If the anomaly of nasolacrimal duct can not restore its patency, at the age of 7 years of plastic surgery is performed. The entire period before that age need careful eye toilet and prevention of suppurative complications dacryocystitis.

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