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» Individual treatment of bronchial asthma
Individual treatment of bronchial asthma
Individual treatment of bronchial asthma
How to live with asthma
Individual treatment of asthma range of activities - this is learning the rules of conduct of the patient and regularly consult a physician, and daily treatment with the patient's relatives and friends.
Immediately after diagnosis, the doctor prepares an individual program of training and consistent treatment for asthma patients, helps patients understand the disease, its treatment guidelines and how to react to any changes in clinical status.
In Russia, created and run asthma - clubs, with the obligatory participation of physicians in their work, where patients can receive as much information about the disease and its treatment.
Visiting a doctor should be several times a month - in the selection of therapy and treatment to the patient and once in 2 - 6 months after achieving asthma control. Frequent visits provide an opportunity not only to monitor changes in the patients, but also validate the use of drugs and devices for their administration.
At the same time, if necessary, doctors advise patients to pulmonologists and other specialists (allergists, dermatologists, ENT doctor) decide questions of hospitalization, employment.
Patients need to learn how to use inhaled medications and peak flow, to understand the difference between the drugs to relieve symptoms and preventive agents, know the signs of deterioration and what changes in treatment should be followed by the appearance of these symptoms.
Equally important is training of competent patients receiving drugs, proper use of devices for drug administration (dose aerosol spacers, diskhalerov, turbuhaler spinhalerov, tsiklohalerov) and for monitoring of peak expiratory flow rate (pikfluometrov) "PSV."
The patient should be able to: control the PSV, to know the difference between the basic drugs and symptomatic therapy, avoiding asthma triggers, recognize the signs of worsening disease and to stop attacks on their own, as well as time to seek medical attention for the relief of a long process.
Long-term control of asthma requires a written plan of treatment (the patient actions of the algorithm), the plan included:
Individual daily dose of prophylactic long-acting drugs;
enumeration of individual triggers of asthma, which the patient must be avoided;
action with a deterioration in condition, including the dose of bronchodilators;
signs of degradation: symptoms, changes in PEF;
actions during exacerbation of asthma and at the first sign of a cold;
description of situations when you need medical assistance.
Proper construction of individual treatment depends on:
phase of the disease (tactical therapy in the acute phase, strategic in remission); severity;