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Main » Mammology » Menopause and breast cancer, Menopause types 
Menopause and breast cancer, Menopause types

Menopause and breast cancer, Menopause types

At some point in their lives every woman's level of sex hormones begin to decline - there is a menopause, or menopause. Someone can be happy that finally stopped the monthly bleeding, swelling and pain in the breast before menstruation (the fact that women are called PMS - premenstrual syndrome). But menopause also leads to undesirable effects: impact on sex life, affects your mood, gives rise to hot flashes, adverse effects on the bone and the heart.

Menopause can be of three types of

Natural menopause - this phenomenon will inevitably occur over time in every woman and is associated with the aging process.

Medical or surgical menopause, is associated with the use of chemotherapy or surgical removal of ovaries due to various reasons.
Menopause due to hormonal therapy in breast cancer.

Natural menopause - a process that occurs gradually, and the woman during this time somehow manages to get used to and accustomed to these manifestations. However, when these symptoms of menopause occur quickly and suddenly, the patient seems that her illness worsened. Do not despair. Medicine has a variety of ways, allowing women to cope with an early and premature menopause.

At the onset of menopause, and the natural aging process influenced by three factors:
Lifestyle - diet, physical activity, smoking, and ecology.
Genetic predisposition - genes determine many things in life, including menopause and aging process itself.

Hormonal status - the sex hormones are responsible not only for the development of sexual characteristics, but also regulate the metabolism and the work of many body systems.

All three of these factors have a cumulative effect on the development of menopause. But besides these natural factors, the onset of menopause depends on the outside (so-called iatrogenic) effects - drugs, hormones, surgery, etc.


The average person lives about 75 years. Somewhere in the 35 years the functions of our bodies gradually begin to fade. Of course, this process is slow, but inevitable. As it progresses we are able to cope less effectively with the trauma and stress. Therefore, the age is very important to deal with stress. Never too late to change their way of life. This also applies to diet and physical activity, as well as bad habits.

A healthy lifestyle - this is only part of the whole population, which affects the aging process. The more intensively we "wears out" your body, so the process is faster, and therefore faster and there is a climax. If you are 70 years of age, your body will be like in 70 years. If you are 35 and menopause you came in connection with the treatment (eg breast cancer), the climax will affect only the ovaries. The rest of the body will look like in 35 years.

The genetic factor

Genes - is a computer operating system, but much more difficult. They determine many features: the color of eyes, hair and shape of the nose to hereditary diseases such as diabetes and strokes. Genes also determine the onset of menopause. After all, even with two similar women who had ever lived in the same place, working for the same work and are surrounded by an ecology of menopause can occur at different times. During that meet their genes. Genes regulate the rate of aging, are responsible for how this process will proceed.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in women's life can be graphically represented as a roller coaster. Starting from a young age when a woman first appears before the menstruation and menopause (menopause), her body over the years, there are cyclical changes in the hormonal composition of the blood. It is connected directly to the fertile female body function (fertility). This cycle is divided into two phases. During the first mature follicles in the ovary. This process is regulated by estrogen. After ovulation, when the wall of the follicle burst and release an egg, the level of estrogen decreases and begins the work of another hormone - progesterone, which prepares the uterus for pregnancy. If it does not occur, the uterus returns to its previous state and the cycle begins anew. With the aging of the ovaries gradually stop producing these hormones. That is, developing menopause. Therefore, hormonal changes play a role in the onset of menopause. This process, as we said above - programmed by genes.

The severity of the symptoms of menopause depends on the rate of hormonal changes on how your body has adapted to it, as well as the amount of estrogen produced from other sources. After menopause, women are in the blood can still detect the estrogen! This is due to the fact that estrogen is produced in the body of a woman's testosterone - the male sex hormone.

It should immediately be said that both men and women in the body are the hormones of both sexes: as estrogens and androgens (male sex hormones). These male hormones, and continue to be produced in women after menopause, but not the ovaries and other glands - the adrenal glands. And they, in turn, is converted by chemical reactions to estrogens. In this part, mainly muscle and adipose tissue. The most common symptom of menopause in this phase are hot flushes.

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