The concept of "organ neurosis" is comparable to the terms psychovegetative syndrome visetserovegetonevroz, functional syndrome, neurocirculatory dystonia. There are different versions of "neurosis of":
cardioneurosis (kardiofoby, Da Costa's syndrome, psevdostenokardiya)
In modern clinical psychiatry is dominated by the concept of implementation of mental disorders in bodily disorders: functional impairment and pain syndromes are discussed in a number of psychiatric disorders in the various mental illnesses. For example, points to the conjugation of functional disorders of internal organs with various forms of pathological anxiety, mostly - panic and generalized anxiety disorder, affective, in the first place - depressive disorders (cyclothymia somatic, autonomic depression, somatic vegetative complex of depression).
Functional disorders are also classified in the pathological manifestations of the dynamics of personality - the so-called psychosomatic developments. Accordingly, we introduce the concept of somatization of anxiety, depression, somatization, somatization personality type.
The main clinical feature of organ neurosis is a chronic course with a primary identification of somatic (functional) disorders, topical projection of which is limited to one organ or one organ system in the event cardioneurosis - cardio-vascular diseases.
Associated functional impairment of other organs (such as respiratory or gastrointestinal tract) do not preclude qualification cardioneurosis, if represented by single and transient symptoms.
Organ neuroses - a group of independent diseases. Topical projection of organ neuroses (as opposed to conversion and other neurotic structures, in which localization of somatisation symptoms is variable and to some extent coincidental) is of paramount importance, since reflects not only the specifics of psychosomatic disorders, but also typical of recent patterns of relationships with mental and somatic disorders, dynamics, and clinical prognosis.