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Treatment of rectocele

Treatment of rectocele

Treatment of rectocele can be both conservative and operative, depending on the severity of the manifestations of the disease, the degree of rectocele, prevalence, comorbidity, and the general condition of the patient.

An important component of the conservative treatment of rectocele is the restoration of impaired motor function of the rectum. Moreover, this treatment is carried out both before surgery and after it (if the operation was carried out).

Improvement of motility of the rectum include:
  • The diet - recommended foods with high content of fiber, as it has a stimulating effect on bowel motility.
  • Osmotic laxatives (eg lactulose). These drugs are like "absorb" the liquid, resulting in fecal become more mobile.
  • Prokinetics - These drugs directly stimulate motility of the colon.
  • Eubiotics, which are used to normalize the intestinal flora (eg, bifidumbacterin).

Conservative treatment is recommended for 1-2 months before surgery to normalize the function of the rectum.

Very effective conduct of physical therapy, especially in the early stages of the disease. Such exercises should be aimed primarily at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. In addition, gymnastics helps normalize bowel and eliminates constipation.

Surgical treatment of rectocele

Surgery for rectocele is usually shown in the second and third degree of the disease. To have surgery for rectocele as the testimony, and contraindications.

Surgical treatment of rectocele is contraindicated in severe concomitant diseases in a patient when there is a risk of complications both during and after surgery.

If the patient contraindicated surgical treatment of rectocele appointed by conservative measures - is physiotherapy and wearing a pessary, which prevents loss of internal reproductive organs (eg, cancer).

Pessary is a plastic or rubber ring that is inserted into the vagina to support the internal genital organs. Pessaries come in different types, some of the patient can establish itself, and some - only a doctor. It should be noted that prolonged wearing pessary can be formed bedsores, so to avoid this complication, it should be removed periodically for some time and reorganize the vagina.

Surgical treatments offered more than five hundred rectocele. The operation is to remove abnormal protrusion of the rectal wall and strengthening the wall between the rectum and the vagina. Removal of abnormal protrusion is carried out by suturing the bowel wall in the transverse direction. Suturing of the muscles that raise the anus, seeking to strengthen rectovaginal septum.

Surgery for rectocele is usually carried out under general anesthesia. for it is most often performed epidural-sacral anesthesia.

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