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» The goal of treatment of metastatic breast cancer
The goal of treatment of metastatic breast cancer
The goal of treatment of metastatic breast cancer
Identification of metastasis of cancer suggests that tumor cells have penetrated into the bloodstream and transported them to other organs and tissues such as liver, lung, brain or bone. Unfortunately, no one can tell you how much you will live with this or metastasis. This is due to individual differences in both the patients and metastases. Some women may live for more than 10 years. Some - a few years. But do not worry, because oncology is not on the same place and is constantly evolving. Constantly there are new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer. And if earlier diagnosis of metastatic tumors sounded to many like a death sentence, but today it is in most cases not.
Metastases can be detected as early detection of tumors, and after her relapse. If the successful control of metastases, the patient may live for quite a few years! In such cases, metastases are treated as a chronic disease. They may be in remission (ie, inactive), or worsen. Often at the same time, various methods of treatment, with breaks in between.
The purpose of this treatment - it is possible to prolong life expectancy.
As we have said, the goal of treatment at this stage of the disease - it is possible to extend the maximum life span and improve its quality. This means facilitating the manifestation of metastasis and the achievement of a long period of remission with minimal side effects at the same time.
The best results in the treatment of metastatic cancer is achieved in the following cases:
Cancer has not spread to vital organs such as brain, liver or lungs.
The defeat of metastases is not more than three organs or body regions of patients.
Metastatic cancer cells have hormone receptors.
The tumor is still responsive to conduct hormone therapy, chemotherapy and target therapy.
You have not yet gone through all the different methods of treatment of tumors.
Even if these cases do not concern you - do not worry! There are many methods of treatment. At the same time a large number of women can live more than five years!
It is important to find common ground and reach agreement between patient and physician. Each patient has their own priorities. Someone wants to be cured completely, well, anyone - to give her just a normal "live." Therefore, women should clearly express its position with respect to its treatment and discuss this with your doctor. In any case, it remains the last choice for a woman.
For example, your doctor may offer you a very aggressive treatment, but you still want to only supportive care. In this case, both you and your doctor should listen to each other and understand each position. It is possible that somewhere you have learned about non-traditional methods of treatment. Talk to your doctor. Of course, you can insist on and if your doctor can assist you in this situation, you may be treated by another doctor.
Decision on certain methods of treatment and a healthy woman suffering from cancer takes in different ways.
In one study conducted by British scientists have shown that patients with cancer were in agreement on the most aggressive treatments with the most severe side effects, if they would give at least 1% of the cure. A healthy responded that they needed at least a 50% chance of cure for such treatments.
In addition, the decision about treatment can change over time depending on your condition, family relationship, financial opportunity. Even in the most neglected metastases patients do not leave hope, if they find out that there are certain treatments that can reduce the size of the tumor, relieve its manifestations and prolong life. Indeed, many women want to spend a little more, to witness the birth of grandchildren, children and marriage, etc. So it's - "double-edged sword."
For some women in this situation the main thing - this time. They do not want to waste time, which, perhaps, because there are not many, for the treatment of side effects. Other patients in the first place give pain relief. In this case, the best methods are chemotherapy and radiation therapy and sometimes surgery. It is therefore very important to explain to your doctor what you expect from treatment. This will help him as choosing the right tactics, as well as you.