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Friday, 07.02.2025, 11:40
Main » Traumatology » Deformation of the chest 
Deformation of the chest

Deformation of the chest are congenital and acquired.

Acquired deformities of the chest arise as a consequence
of rickets
  • TB
  • lung disease
  • injuries of the chest.

For congenital deformities of the chest are
  • funnel
  • flat
  • pigeon breast.

The most common strain funnel chest. It is characterized by depression of the bone breastbone inward, toward the spine. Outwardly, it seems deepening the lower chest and upper abdomen in the form of a funnel. The side walls of the depressions formed by the costal cartilage, placed at right angles. The chest is expanded. Enhanced bending of the spine.

Cause of funnel chest deformation - anomalies of the diaphragm and rib cartilage. Funnel chest is not just a cosmetic defect appearance. Abnormal development of the chest causes a displacement and compression of internal organs, which leads to various violations of their functions. Possible to reduce the upper limit of blood pressure and increase the bottom, increasing the pressure in the large veins. Early in life children feel good. But the strain gradually increases with age. The child begins to lag behind in physical development, there are autonomic dysfunction, disorders of the lung. The maximum development of the disease reaches to three years of life.

A funnel-shaped deformation of the thorax are classified by the symmetry and depth of the crater. Depending on the depth of the crater is more or less displacement of the heart.

In the first-degree funnel depth of 2 cm displacements at the heart of this degree does not happen.

The second degree is characterized by the depth of the crater up to 4 cm heart may be displaced from its usual place at a distance of 3 cm
The depth of the crater more than 4 cm and a displacement of the heart more than 3 cm - a third-degree funnel chest deformation.
With the current process and state of the patient talk about compensated, and decompensated stage subcompensated.

Treatment of funnel chest deformation. Conservative treatment is possible with first-degree strain. Only at this level you can try to delay the deepening of the process with a special gym sessions to certain types of sports (swimming, volleyball, basketball, rowing). In the second and third degree of deformation operative treatment. The operation is performed at the age of the patient from 3 to 14 years. Before surgery, the child should be examined in detail necessarily, that would not miss other diseases that could cause deformation. Before surgery, conservative treatment is carried out. Proposed more than 20 ways of surgical treatment. Most often used: Surgery to lexer. The sternum is cut off from the ribs at the cartilage, revolves around the axis and sewed a sort of "inside out". Another method of operation: resection of the rib cartilage, followed by traction sternum.

Carinate chest deformity (chicken breast). Under this deformation increased anteroposterior chest size. Protruding sternum and ribs join the breastbone at an acute angle. The overall appearance resembles a chicken breast or bottom of the upturned boat. Chicken breast is rarely congenital, often the result of myocardial rickets, tuberculosis of the spine or other diseases. In the pigeon breast considerable disorder in the internal organs are usually not the case.

Treatment keeled chest deformation. Carry out treatment of the underlying disease. Assign physical therapy, exercise therapy and swimming. If the patient's condition worsens, there are changes in the cardiovascular system, you may need plastic surgery on the chest (thoracoplasty).

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