Deformation of the chest are congenital and acquired.
Acquired deformities of the chest arise as a consequence of rickets
- TB
- lung disease
- injuries of the chest.
For congenital deformities of the chest are
Congenital malformations of hands about 7% of all diseases of the upper extremities.
Absence and hypoplasia of the upper extremity - severe pathology, fortunately it is rare. Variants of underdevelopment of the upper extremities are different.
Fokomeliya or Amelia - an anomaly of development, in which the upper limb is missing completely, or there is no shoulder and forearm, wrist and arm away from the immature and like fin seal. Sometimes, instead of
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Congenital dislocation of the hip - this anomaly of the lower extremities is very common. The cause of congenital hip dislocation is hypoplasia of all components of the hip. At the same time disturbed the normal relationship of the femoral head articular and the articular surface of the acetabulum of the pelvis. Girls suffer five times as likely as boys.
There are three stages of congenital hip dislocation:
Congenital clubfoot is very common and reaches 33-38% of all congenital malformations of musculoskeletal system. This is the most common of all congenital malformations of musculoskeletal system. The boys congenital clubfoot occurs twice as often as girls. Usually it is bilateral.
The cause of congenital clubfoot - a violation of the proper development of bones of the foot or lower leg muscle developmental disorder (peroneal) and their innervation.
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The longitudinal arches found in 20% of all cases of flat feet. The reasons for the static longitudinal flat muscle weakness of the foot and lower leg bones ligaments. This reduces the internal longitudinal arch of the foot. Calcaneus is rotated medially, the tendon calcaneus is displaced outwards.
There is a movement of the bones of the foot so that the front part of the foot deviates laterally. Peroneus longus tendon stretched, the tibialis anterior muscle
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The transverse flatfoot is common, approximately 80% of all cases of flat feet. Women suffer 20 times more often than men. The transverse arch formed by the bones of the paw, their heads. The metatarsal bones are joined together in an arch. At the same time support the foot rests on the first and fifth metatarsal heads. Support the transversal arch of the foot muscles, interosseous fascia, but the main role played by aponeurosis plantar - aponeurosis of the foot. It
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Hammer toes - toes that deformation in the form of a hammer, when the fingers are not involved in the process of walking, reliance falls on the head of metatarsal bones. As a distinct disease hammer toes are rare. This is usually a consequence of the overall complex foot deformities. Most often, such a change are the second and third toes.
Foot deformities may be different. In most cases, hammer toes are formed as a result of osteoarthritis interphalangeal jo
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