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Saturday, 08.02.2025, 23:59
Main » Mammology » Surgery for breast cancer treatment 
Surgery for breast cancer treatment

Surgery for breast cancer treatment

From the outset, treatment of breast cancer was based on surgical treatment. Gradually, however, the role of operational methods varied.

The choice of surgical treatment for breast cancer is influenced by many factors, such as tumor stage, its characteristics, the overall condition of the patient, concomitant diseases. Currently, breast cancer surgery more precise and purposeful.

The basic principle now - it's possible to save as much healthy tissue cancer. Even mastectomy has undergone some changes and now is not that a mastectomy that was before.

Types of surgery:

Organ-intervention - often lumpectomy is an operation which involves removing only the breast tumor. After a lumpectomy is usually followed by radiation therapy to the area of the remaining breast tissue.

Mastectomy - surgery, during which removed the entire breast. After this operation is conducted as a course of radiotherapy.

If invasive cancer both of these operations are combined with the mandatory removal of axillary lymph nodes - lymphadenectomy. Also, each of these surgical techniques can be combined with systemic therapy: hormonal or chemotherapy.

The need for systemic therapy does not depend on the type of surgery, so you should not assume that by choosing a mastectomy you may not need chemotherapy. In the early stages of cancer today, instead of the traditional axillary lymphadenectomy may be deleted "signal" nodes.

Advances in surgery for breast cancer in recent years

Recently, in breast cancer surgery Deleuze have been some changes:
  • In most cases, the patient's opinion also taken into account when choosing a method of operation.
  • Thanks to modern diagnosis of cancer is a disease is detected more often in the early stages. This not only increases the chance of a cure, but helps to choose the best operation.
  • Improved operative technique allows for a good hand function after surgery, fewer side effects, and last but not least - an excellent cosmetic result.

The decision on surgery

Just a few decades ago, a woman went to the surgery and did not know whether it will remain the same breast after surgery or is in advance, "say goodbye" to her.

As we have noted, at the present time the patient takes a more active part in their treatment than before. Before the operation is necessary to hold a lot of studies that evaluate the status of the tumor and to select the most suitable option transactions. In addition, the necessary consultations with other specialists. At present, the patient is given the right to influence a large and sometimes choose the most one or another type operation.

It should be noted that this situation there is a certain disadvantage. The fact is that with such an abundance of information that gets a woman, she just is stressed, and it so happens that she thinks he would be better if the doctor made the decision about the operation. In other words, to make an independent decision is sometimes quite difficult. However, later you will be free from all thoughts, similar to what would happen if I took an active part in the selection of the operation?

It is important to remember in any case, the choice of treatment depends on factors such as the size and nature of the tumor, and some others. If your doctor tells you that in your situation, you can choose lumpectomy and radiation therapy or mastectomy, you can choose a lumpectomy, no risk in this life.

Ask yourself whether you want to keep their breasts? Often in this situation, the woman often says that it does not bother her chest, just to save her life. However, after the shock of the diagnosis will be cancer, you have the time to think about this problem.

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