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Main » Gynecology » Pregnancy - what to look for in the second trimester 
Pregnancy - what to look for in the second trimester

Pregnancy - what to look for in the second trimester

At 14-18 weeks the placenta is actively developing. At the 13th week the fetus is fully formed. On the 14 th week, the baby is fed through the placenta. Now, its growth - a preparation for life outside the mother's body. After 14 weeks the doctor may hear a baby heart with a stethoscope.

Many doctors recommend at this time to do ultrasound to see how the placenta is located. However, the question of holding ultrasound must be addressed individually, and without the need to do better. At 20 weeks the uterus is located at the navel. Clearly there is a perturbation of the fruit, which must always be up to the last few weeks.

After 20 weeks may be a pain, since pressing the bottom of the uterus, and the joints and ligaments are relaxed. Therefore it is useful to make articulate the gym, and special exercises. At 20 weeks the uterus is sometimes comes in the tone, feel muscle contractions, is training prior to delivery. These are called Braxton-Hicks reduction (false contractions).

At 20-24 weeks of actively developing cardiovascular system of the baby. At this time, Mom useful to keep an active lifestyle. Would benefit from running, swimming, breathing exercises, joint exercises, fresh air.

The second trimester rather quiet. Major organs and systems of the fetus is already formed, and now only continues to improve, so the fruit become more resistant to external factors.

Starting from the second trimester is recommended to perform a special set of active exercise for pregnant women:

Exercise-stretching. They help prepare the muscles, tissues and joints for childbirth, to prevent ruptures of muscles of the perineum and the discrepancy between the pelvic bones, to learn the correct terms in labor.

Arthritic exercises. It is recommended to prevent stagnation in the tissues, including edema, high blood pressure, improves the functioning of the excretory and circulatory systems, improves respiration and nutrition of the fetus.

Relaxation exercises. Help you quickly to rest, recuperate during childbirth, relieve tension and stress. In a relaxed body is better flowing exchange processes, nutrition and respiration.

The exercises in the pool. Exercise will help you learn how to quickly relieve tension and relax, strengthen the muscles that act during pregnancy and childbirth, provide a good muscle tone after childbirth and rapid tissue repair.
Breathing exercises:

Exercises to help learn how to breathe fully during pregnancy. These exercises are particularly important in the second trimester when the baby is actively growing and needs more oxygen for the full development .. On the other hand, at this time, you may receive some difficulty in breathing, as from 20 weeks the uterus rises higher, and the internal abdominal organs draw in the diaphragm upwards, thus harassing little free movement of the lungs.

Special breathing exercises that are good to use in the hospital during labor, attempts, at the birth of the placenta.

Sleep and rest can already bring some inconvenience, as the uterus continues to grow and take up more space in the abdominal cavity. Two of the most comfortable position while you sleep - on the abdomen and back - not too comfortable during pregnancy. Position "on his stomach" uncomfortable for obvious reasons. The position on the back, although it is more convenient, promotes the fact that the entire mass of the pregnant uterus is resting on the spine, intestines, and the inferior vena cava (responsible for the outflow of blood from the entire lower body to the heart). This can cause back pain and haemorrhoids, inhibit the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and inhibit breathing and circulation. This does not mean you have to sleep standing up. The best posture is the position on the left side. Try to find the optimal position for rest and sleep by putting pillows and cushions. In such a situation, not only improves the flow of blood with nutrients to the children's place, but also facilitates the work of the kidneys, which helps to reduce swelling of legs and arms.

You can perform bending and rotation of the pelvis before you take a horizontal position. Do not forget to frequently urinate. Pick up your wardrobe. Clothing should be loose, light, comfortable, never push, especially in the waist area. Try to wear cotton underwear.

Weight gain during the second trimester

By the end of the second trimester, a woman can gain 5-7 kg. The optimal weight gain for 16 weeks was 2.5 kg. In the future, the optimal weight gain is about 0.5 kg per week. However, remember that weight gain depends on the characteristics of an organism. More important to pay attention not to the weight, and the results of blood tests, urine tests, kidney function and blood pressure.

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