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Neurology, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Oncology, Obesity, Endocrinology, Vascular surgery - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, description of the disease.

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Systemic sclerodermia - treatment

Scleroderma - a progressive disease with a characteristic change in the skin, musculoskeletal system and internal organs. The disease is an inflammatory lesion of small vessels of the body. Perhaps, the disease has a genetic predisposition. However, significantly provoking factors of its occurrence are such external hazards like hypothe ... Read more »

Category: Neurology | Views: 996 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Toxoplasmosis - Diagnosis, Treatment

Toxoplasmosis - a disease caused by protozoa. Infection of healthy adults almost never leads to any clinical manifestations. Toxoplasma or completely eliminated from the body, or, more likely still exist in it in a weakened form. In the latter case we speak of asymptomatic carriers of toxoplasmosis. It is believed that the carrier is ... Read more »

Category: Neurology | Views: 956 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Periarteritis nodosa - Treatment

Periarteritis nodosa (PM) is characterized by lesions of small arteries to inflammation and subsequent necrosis. The disease belongs to the so-called system. ie, affects the entire system of arteries of the body. As a consequence, pathological disorders occur in all organs and tissues. PM ... Read more »

Category: Neurology | Views: 1130 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Huntingtons chorea

The term "chorea" means by a movement disorder in a random, jerky and irregular movements, which the patient is unable to fully control consciously. Huntington's disease is named after an American psychiatrist, who described it first, and refers to a hereditary progressive disease. Typically, one parent, there are signs of the disease, expressed to a greater or lesser ... Read more »

Category: Neurology | Views: 964 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)


Epilepsy - a chronic brain disease that is characterized by recurrent seizures. The origin of epilepsy may be different. Thus, isolated traumatic epilepsy (after suffering a head injury), diencephalic (with the defeat of diencephalic structures of the brain), epilepsy after an infection of the brain. It is believed that some of the clinical types of epilepsy ma ... Read more »

Category: Neurology | Views: 1167 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)

Treatment of multiple sclerosis stem cells

All patients with multiple sclerosis is important to know: now you can get rid of the disease or to obtain a completely stable remission. Until now, the complexity of the treatment of multiple sclerosis was the unpredictability of the symptoms in each patient, as well as variability in the manifestations of the disease.
... Read more »

Category: Neurology | Views: 1180 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.03.2012 | Comments (0)