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Important rules reception painkillers

Important rules reception painkillers

All pain medications that are used for relief of pain associated with breast cancer can be divided into two groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • opiates - drugs.

The first group includes drugs such as aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, ketorol, naproxen, and many others.

Opiates - more powerful drugs, and they shall be appointed only with the expressed pain when simple painkillers do not help. These include promedol, morphine, omnopon, pantopon. In addition, there is a well-known drug as Tramal (tramadol), which by the action and effects are very similar to narcotic drugs, but not addictive.

In most cases of opiate drugs are available as an injectable solution. Sometimes, though, they can be in pill form. Anti-inflammatory medications may be in the form of tablets, as well as solutions, as well as rectal suppositories and skin patches. Before you begin taking any medications, ask whether you have an allergy to it.

Important receiving pain medication:

  • Any anesthetic should be chosen with an appropriate dose.
  • Follow your designated mode of treatment.
  • Never alone, do not change the dosage and frequency of dosing.
  • Do not cut off abruptly taking opiates.
  • Change the mode of production can be only after consulting your doctor.

In mild to moderate pain

In most cases, treatment begins with the analgesics acetaminophen (Tylenol) or nonsteroidal drugs: ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen and ketorol, indomethacin, piroxicam. The effectiveness of these drugs different in each patient. * If an agent is unable to cope with the pain, the following applies, etc. So sometimes you have to try several anti-inflammatory drugs before they find one that helps.

If you have any clotting disorders or if you are taking aspirin or other blood thinning medication, if you have an abnormality of the kidney, before taking anti-inflammatory drugs, should consult with your doctor.

Anti-inflammatory drugs can cause irritation of the stomach, gastritis and even ulcers, heartburn, fluid retention, as well as thinning the blood, which leads to bleeding. All drugs of this group affect renal function. Currently, the development of new drugs of this group, which act directly on the cause of the pain, without causing side effects or a lower severity of them.

At the low efficiency of anti-inflammatory drugs, they can be combined with opioids: promedolom, morphine. This, incidentally, makes it possible to use them in smaller doses, which is accompanied by a lesser degree of side effects. You may ask, why not just increase the dose of anti-inflammatory drugs, instead of adding more and drugs? Quite simply, anti-inflammatory drugs in high doses is also not safe. They affect kidney function, blood clotting and in the gastric mucosa.

When severe, and severe pain

In this situation, have been used for more powerful drugs - opiates are - drugs. These include promedol, morphine, omnopon, as well as methadone, fentanyl, oxycodone, meperidine and codeine. Some of them are long acting, and some - Short drugs. The first is ideal for pain relief and for the entire day, while the latter are used mainly in the attacks of pain.

Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects, and they are the more pronounced the higher the dose of the drug. Among them, such as constipation, drowsiness, nausea and dry mouth. But these effects are more easily tolerated than the severe pain that cropped opiates, and they decrease with time. In particular the severity of these effects can be applied, some drugs (laxatives, antiemetics). In addition, many patients there is a fear that the admission of drugs will have their dependence. But it is worth mentioning that in the doses and frequency of administration, which are usually in patients with a tumor, these drugs do not cause addiction, as is the case when taking drugs.

Sometimes it is against this background the patient may be confused with addiction addiction. Getting used to the drug may not only when taking drugs, and others. Addictive - this is when the patient is not responding to medication, because the tissue has become accustomed, as if accustomed to the drug. The dependence of the same - it is quite another. Under the mean dependence of the painful psychological or physical need for the patient in a particular drug.

In some cases, opioids are combined with anti-inflammatory drugs, especially pain in the joints and bone metastases. To improve the effectiveness of pain medications are also prescribed, and other means:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Antihistamines (eg, dimerdrol, suprastin)
  • Steroids
  • Tranquilizers (Ativan, sibazon, Seduxenum)
  • Bisphosphonates.

A few tips for those who take painkillers:

  • Always start treatment with low doses, then gradually increasing the dose if needed.
  • In constant pain, take long-acting painkillers, and strong short-acting anesthetic - with attacks of pain.
  • Cancer treatments such as hormone therapy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy have an effect on the tumor, so they also have a sedative effect.
  • For pain that permeated the whole body is recommended to combine common drugs and local funds.
  • The combination of drugs to reduce their doses and reduce the severity of side effects.
  • If you are taking a combination of pain medication, try to change one and not the whole combination

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