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Autoimmune and allergic conjunctivitis

Autoimmune and allergic conjunctivitis

Medicinal conjunctivitis.

Medicinal conjunctivitis now began to meet more frequently than before, as well as other allergic diseases. This is due to pollution, the active use of various chemicals in the home.

Herbal conjunctivitis occurs when long-term use for backfilling and laying in the cavity of the conjunctiva of antibiotics, antiseptics, sulfonamides, analgesics (local anesthetic). But even a single hit in the eye of a drug in patients who are prone to allergic reactions, it may be drug-conjunctivitis.

Herbal conjunctivitis usually begins acutely. There is a sudden redness of the eyes, redness. The conjunctiva and eyelids eyeball having follicles (vesicles). Edema of the eyelids increases to such an extent that the eye can be closed. An allergic reaction can spread to the skin, where there are sores, blisters, areas eczematization. In applying the medication caused the allergic reaction again, all these manifestations are amplified.

Treatment of drug conjunctivitis.

The drug, drug-induced conjunctivitis is canceled immediately. Appointed by the allergy and decongestant medications (tavegil, suprastin, diazolin, Promethazine, peritol) orally and intramuscularly, in the eyes instilled solution dimedrol. In more severe cases, corticosteroids are used as local as ointments and drops, as well as inside.

Pollinozny conjunctivitis.

Pollinozny conjunctivitis is pollen in people who have an allergic predisposition. Different people may experience pollinozny conjunctivitis from pollen of one plant or the pollen of several plants. Found a conjunctivitis in spring and summer during the flowering plants, shrubs and some trees. Upon contact with pollen, which is in the air, there is a strong burning sensation in the eyes, tearing, discomfort when looking at the light. Conjunctivitis can be combined with a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, which causes the same pollen.

Pollinosis treatment of conjunctivitis.

Assign the instillation of solutions into the conjunctival sac of glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisone), and allergy medications (kuzikrom, sodium cromoglycate, gistimed, lekrolin), laying the ointment with the same substances. Currently, the most effective treatment for pollinosis is specific hyposensitization to cause an allergic reaction to allergens.

Vernal conjunctivitis.

Vernal conjunctivitis or spring catarrh occurs in early spring, summer and fall growing quiet. The cause of this disease is unknown. However, it is assumed that the primary role played by the increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the eye to ultraviolet radiation. Usually suffer from the boys during puberty. With increasing solar radiation in the spring gradually appears itchy eyelids, sensation of sand or a foreign body in the eyes, discomfort when looking at the light. Conjunctiva century pale, slightly lumpy. In the summer, all these manifestations are exacerbated in autumn fade. Patients ill for several years.

Treating vernal conjunctivitis.

The patient is recommended to wear sunglasses. Topically instilled into the conjunctival sac antihistamine drops. Inside are appointed as antihistamines (suprastin, peritol, diazolin). The good effect is obtained by intramuscular injection gistoglobina. Sometimes you have to use glucocorticoid hormones.

Tuberculous conjunctivitis.

Tuberculous-allergic conjunctivitis phlyctenular develops when released into the cavity of the conjunctiva is not itself the tuberculosis bacillus, and its decay products from the affected pulmonary tuberculosis or other organs. In prerevolutionary Russia, the disease is called the "king's evil eye." Nowadays it is very rare. Disease begins with acute watery eyes, photophobia, eye pain, redness across the conjunctiva. The mucous membrane of the eye appear inflammatory nodules that after completely absorbed.

Treatment of tuberculous-allergic conjunctivitis.

Appointed by the ointment with glucocorticoid hormones, which are quickly removed the phenomena of inflammation. Have to be specific for TB.

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