With the 50-ies XX-th century, the standard treatment for any form of hydrocephalus shunt surgery was to restore the movement of CSF fluid. Since the mid 80's a significant place in the treatment of hydrocephalus began to occupy endoscopic surgery.
Shunt operations are effective in more than 85% of cases. The principle of operation as follows - "excessive" liquor by the systems of pipes and valves taken out into the natural cavities of the human body (ventriculo-peritoneal shunt - into the abdominal cavity, ventriculo-atrial - the right atrium, etc.).
Treatment of hydrocephalus with CSF shunt operations effectively, however, the complications of this operation are 40 - 60% of cases. At the same time, depending on the cause of the dysfunction, the whole or part of the shunt must be replaced. As experience shows, the most common complications requiring revision of the shunt, there are between six months to one year after surgery. Most of the patients who performed shunt surgery had to move several surgeries during their lifetime. In any case, at least, we should expect two or more audits - because a child grows. After bypass surgery, the patient becomes shuntzavisimym, that is all his future life will depend on the work of the shunt.