Manic syndrome characterized by elevated mood associative processes, excessive desire for activity.
Patients with characteristic cheerfulness, distractibility, attention variability, superficial judgments and estimates, an optimistic attitude to the present and future. They are in excellent spirits, feeling an unusual vivacity, a surge of strength, they are strangers to fatigue. The desire for activity is detected in patients in different ways: they made a lot of cases is not, bringing not one of them to the end, spending money wildly and erratically, making unnecessary purchases, to interfere in the work of colleagues and superiors, offering radically reorganize venture, etc.
Intellectual stimulation is manifested accelerated pace of thought, attention variability, worsening memory. Patients with very long-winded, without stopping to say what their voice becomes hoarse, sing, read poetry. Often develops a jump of ideas - the acceleration of thinking, which is a change of one another unfinished thoughts.
Characterized by confusion and inconsistency of the statements, which reaches the degree of incoherence. Intonation are generally pathetic, theatrical. Everything that is happening around the patient is of interest, but nothing to his attention does not stay a long time. Patients were characterized by re-evaluation of the self: they offer in their extraordinary abilities, often expressed desire to change their profession, are going to glorify himself as an outstanding researcher, artist, writer, etc. or posing as such. As a rule, it is a rather unstable overvalued ideas of grandeur. The patients look rejuvenated, they observed increased appetite, reducing the duration of sleep or persistent insomnia, excessive sexuality.
In manic states observed increased heart rate, increased salivation, women have a menstrual cycle is broken.
There are:
gay mania (cheerfulness prevails)
matted mania (incoherent thinking, erratic desire for activity)