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» Syphilis of lung, Diagnosis of pulmonary syphilis
Syphilis of lung, Diagnosis of pulmonary syphilis
Syphilitic lung,Diagnosis of pulmonary syphilis
Syphilis is a rare lung, observed mainly in combination with other visceral manifestations of syphilis (internal organ).
The causative agent of syphilis is a light pale treponema.
Usually develops in the tertiary period of syphilis and is characterized by the presence of gum or chronic interstitial pneumonia, syphilis, often in the lower and middle lobes of right lung.
A characteristic feature of syphilitic lesions of the lungs are the formation of connective tissue around blood vessels, proliferation of interalveolar and interlobar connective tissue.
Diagnosis of pulmonary syphilis is difficult. It is essential to identify signs of syphilitic lesions of other organs - the aorta, liver, larynx. X-ray picture of pulmonary syphilis is diverse: looped pattern of light, not very intense darkening in the gum, a more pronounced darkening with pneumonia, there is a change in the root of the lung. Despite the good condition of the patient, the X-rays can be seen expressed in fibrotic and cavitary changes in the lungs. Sometimes, with the collapse of large gum provide radiological picture resembling lung abscess with a small amount of fluid in the cavity.
The clinical picture of syphilis of the lungs has no special features.
The development process begins, usually at normal body temperature, without obvious symptoms. Then there are cough, body temperature rises during exercise begins to disturb the shortness of breath. Sputum is usually small, it is an unpleasant odor, frequent hemoptysis. Patients complain of pain in his side, behind the sternum, more frequent at night.
Conservative treatment of syphilis lungs. With the difficulties in the differential diagnosis of specific therapy is used, which allows for syphilis rapid effect. Specific treatment is medication, penicillin and bismuth (6 courses). Protivosifiliticheskoe treatment administered without prior administration of iodine and biyohinola.
Surgical intervention is indicated for the irreversible effects of syphilis: the persistent cicatricial changes with the formation of bronchial stenosis or atelectasis bronchial bronchiectasis.