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Self breast examination procedure and pictures

Self breast examination procedure and pictures

Of the 10 identified in the mammary gland changes 9 show the women themselves, because no one knows the status of your breasts better than them.

Of course, we are talking about women who have mastered the method of self-examination - the most simple and affordable way to time to detect problems in the chest.

In accordance with the recommendations of the American Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Organization for Health, Albert Einstein, the vast majority of residents of the United States and other industrialized countries have adopted samoosmotr breasts regularly, seeing the procedure as a normal and necessary part of monitoring the state of his health.

The survey is best done in the same day of the menstrual cycle, as changes occur within a month the size and structure of the breast. The right time - 5-6 days from the onset of menstruation, when the mammary gland is in a relaxed state, and at menopause - in the same day of each calendar month.

To host a monthly survey, but not more - otherwise changes may be just too little time, so you get noticed. Conduct a survey in good light. Getting self-examination, try to calm down and relax. Treat this as a normal hygiene procedures. Remember that most of the detected changes in the breast are benign.

The survey consists of six stages, but with proper and consistent organization takes very little time.

First step: check linen slight discharge from the nipple may go unnoticed on the surface, but leave traces on the bra. Therefore, you must carefully examine the bra: it for any signs of discharge from the nipple in a bloody, brown, greenish or yellowish spots, crusts.

The second stage: a general view of the glands Undress to the waist, stand before a mirror. Free to drop your hands. Inspect each breast in the mirror. Check for any changes in size, shape, contour of the breast (one breast may be a little more, this is normal). Note the symmetry of the two glands are a cancer on the same level, and whether they move in and picked up an institution of hands behind your head, tilt, swivel left and right. Is there a fix or a shift of one of the glands in the way? (Fig. 1)

Raise your hands up in the mirror. Again, look at the queue breasts, paying attention to shift them up, sideways or down, changing shape with the formation of the elevation, sticky, skin or nipple retraction, the appearance of drops of fluid from the nipple in these actions. (Fig. 2)

The third stage: the skin is elastic skin, whether it is going well in the crease? There have been changes color, the presence of redness, or the entire surface of individual sites, rashes, diaper rash, change, reminiscent of "lemon peel". Check the seals, swelling, bumps or dimples, drawn, and wrinkled skin ulcerations. You should not take the breast tissue into the crease between your fingers, as because of its lobed structure may give the false impression of tumor compression.

The fourth stage: the feeling of standing in this stage is convenient when washing in the bathroom. Lathered fingers will contribute to the feeling of the mammary glands. If the survey is conducted in a room, use a lotion or cream. Examine the right hand the left chest and left - right. Palpation of the cushions is conducted, rather than the fingertips, four, or three fingers with closed, circular penetrating springy movements. Palpation of the thumb is not involved. For large size glands opposite hand supports her. Initially, a so-called surface-trial probing when pads do not penetrate into the interior of cancer, which makes it possible to identify a small formation, located directly under the skin. Then, a deeper probing when the pads consistently gradually reach the edges. Palpation should be performed from the clavicle to the lower edge of the ribs and sternum to the axillary line, including the armpit, where possible the detection of enlarged lymph nodes. (Fig. 3)

Fifth stage: palpation in the supine position is the most important part of the self, because the only way to test the well all the tissues. In this note, what are the mammary glands to the touch under your fingers and remember these feelings. Palpation performed while lying on a relatively hard, flat surface can be put under the iron surveyed roller or rigid pillow along the trunk to pull her hand or have a head. (Fig. 4)

There are two method of palpation: The method of squares, when the entire surface of the anterior chest wall from clavicles to the costal edge of the mammary gland and mentally divided into small squares. Feeling performed consistently in each square from the top down as if by steps. (Fig. 5)

The method of the spiral, when feeling out of the breast is held in a spiral in the form of concentric circles converge, starting from the armpit, and up to the nipple. Pads make a circular motion, moving in the direction of the nipple. (Fig. 6)

The sixth stage: a survey of the nipple when the nipple examination is necessary to determine whether changes in their shape and color are not involved there, do not get wet whether there are any ulcers or cracks. Need to test the nipple and podsoskovuyu area, as under the nipple may be a tumor. This area is very sensitive in women and some accompanied by erotic or discomfort. In conclusion, the need to carefully take the nipple with thumb and forefinger and press on it, noting the nature of the discharge from or lack of them. (Fig. 7)

If you believe that since the last inspection there have been significant changes, you should seek immediate vrachu.Razumeetsya, a woman should never try to diagnose myself, much less prescribe treatment. Distinguish between different forms of cancer, mastopathy only by a specialist. Even a malignant tumor can be overcome by starting treatment early. Do not wait for a later visit to the doctor, remember that may depend on your life.

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