Taken to treat asthma medication constant, from antihistamines to steroid hormones.
However, it should be remembered that in the treatment of drug needed to strive to achieve maximum clinical effect of minimal doses of drugs.
Medications can cause a clinical picture identical to the clinical picture of bronchial asthma, hypersensitivity due to him or herself.
In the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma in the course of the disease moderate and severe, preference should be given anti-inflammatory and membrane stabilizing, rather than bronchodilator drugs.
To membrane-stabilizing drugs include sodium hromoglikat (INTAL, ifiral, cromolyn), ketotifen (Positano), calcium channel blockers (nifedipine). In their application to remember:
drugs have a preventive effect and does not have a bronchodilatory effect
full therapeutic effect is observed after 10-14 days, the systematic application of need long-term use (3 - 4 months or more)
In case of failure of conservative treatment of status asthmaticus treatment of choice is mechanical ventilation. The severity and rapidity of development of clinical symptoms dictate the need for the AU to assist patients in intensive care units or intensive care units.
Number one drug in the asthmatic syndrome are corticosteroids. They are able to eliminate the function of beta-blockade adrenoretseptorov.Odnako should not be considered as a single-agent therapy with corticosteroids, as the effect of these drugs given intravenously can be expected no sooner than 1-2 hours.
In the case of an extremely serious condition of the patients, caused by the rapidly increasing generalized bronchial obstruction, with the low efficiency of therapeutic measures is shown holding a course of procedures pulse therapy with methylprednisolone (1000 mg).
Experience with the pulse therapy in asthmatic syndrome clearly demonstrates the high efficiency of this method of treating such patients.
Tool often used in the asthmatic syndrome is theophylline. The use of theophylline products requires continuous monitoring of cardiac activity because of the rather frequent tachycardia and arrhythmia. We describe the deaths associated with the use of theophylline preparations for asthmatic syndrome.
When you restore the sensitivity of beta-adrenergic receptors may be connected to the treatment of beta-2-agonists. They are introduced, usually by inhalation. Great promise is the use of beta 2-agonists as an inhaled aerosol sprays produced with various modifications that can generate aerosols with a particle size of 0.5-5 microns.
This is achieved prolongation of inhalation, there is no need for mandatory synchronous inhalation and spray aerosol made humidifying the respiratory tract of patients and as a consequence of all this, there is to achieve effective bronchodilation.
In the form of an anaphylactic asthma syndrome shows the introduction of a solution of adrenaline. Usually it is administered subcutaneously. Some researchers prefer the asthmatic syndrome when administered by intravenous injection of epinephrine solution of 0.1 mg / kg / min.
However, this therapy is associated with numerous side effects and its conduct in the case of treatment failure or if there is a collapse. If there are signs of a bronchial infection and the absence of allergic reactions assigned to antibiotic therapy.
Oxygen therapy is indicated for asthma in the case of arterial hypoxemia (less than 60 mm Hg RaO2). In its holding with the oxygen content of less than 30%, as a rule, the growth of hypercapnia was observed. Oxygen therapy is usually performed using a nasal cannula or Venturi mask at a rate of 1.5 l / min.
Auxiliary ventilation (DAL) is shown in the preservation of arterial hypoxemia, hypercapnia arterial progression in patients on oxygen therapy background, as well as in patients with severe respiratory muscle fatigue. The main task of domestic flights - to buy time for a massive drug therapy aimed at the elimination of bronchial obstruction, without inhibition of spontaneous breathing patient. DAL is carried out as in the trigger, and in the adaptive mode using facial or nasal masks.