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» Pregnancy - what to look for in the third trimester
Pregnancy - what to look for in the third trimester
Pregnancy - what to look for in the third trimester
One of the important decisions to be taken by the parents - this is where to give birth to a child. Depending on your views on life, you can choose any hospital, or give birth under the contract, but without a husband, or to give birth at home.
Births in hospital
In the hospital has the necessary equipment to monitor labor and delivery care during childbirth. The usual length of stay in the hospital - from 3 to 7 days. However, the hospital medical staff working in shifts, so there is no guarantee that you will always deal with the same doctor. Keep in mind that the majority of maternity hospitals in the wards are multiple births, so that the situation there can be quite noisy.
Deliveries under the contract
Deliveries take in the hospital, where there is modern equipment for monitoring the activities of labor and care for mother and newborn. Pre-negotiated wishes of women. For example, whether to maternity anesthesia, is it possible to perform exercises specifically recommended for the period of delivery. At the request of women after childbirth, it can be with the baby in one chamber, or separate from it. My mother, who asked to be directed to the baby is transferred to a separate room where no outsiders will not bother them and distract from communication. The doctor will carefully monitor the condition of mother and baby, give the necessary advice and tips on caring for her mother and the baby in the first days after birth.
Childbirth at home
If you decide to give birth at home for the birth should be as well prepared mom and dad. At home, in familiar surroundings, surrounded by loved ones will be easier for women to cope with the birth pangs, it will immediately put the baby to the breast during childbirth it will support her husband. In this case, however, should be clearly aware that the home leave must prepare and prepare consciously.
Take care of your wardrobe, a dowry for a newborn.
Weight gain last three months: During the third trimester of a woman can gain about 4 lbs. The optimal weight gain for 28 weeks: 9 kg The optimal weight gain for 32 weeks: 11 kg The optimal weight gain for 36 weeks: 12 kg Optimal weight gain for the 40th week of about 12-14 kg. However, at the 40th week, a woman can lose weight. This means that families have to wait for the next 10 days.