Panic attacks - suddenly appearing and quickly, within a few minutes, the growing range of autonomic disorders (autonomic crisis, palpitations, chest tightness, choking sensation, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness), combined with a sense of impending death, fear of loss of consciousness or loss of control over itself, insane.
At the beginning of the disease duration of panic attacks varies widely, though usually no more than 20-30 minutes.
Panic attacks can be:
provoked by psychogenic (bad news, an exam, a quarrel)
somatogenically (concomitant physical illness)
spontaneously occurring (usually in a stuffy room in the transport).
To date, the priority in the treatment of drug-ical attacks belongs to the anxiolytic activity. These include benzodiazepines (clonazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam), antidepressants (fluoxetine, Paxil, Luvox, tsipramil, Amitriptyline, Anafranil), as well as some antipsychotic agents, atypical antipsychotics primarily with protivotrevozhnoe activity (eglonil, rispolept, Zyprexa, azaleptin .)
Given the tendency to chronification and they are often drug resistance, preference is given to the combined methods. Therapeutic effects also are aimed at reduction of anxiety and correction of inappropriate behavior (avoidance). Showing the use of both group and individual therapies. Can be effectively psycho-emotional-supportive therapy allows the patient to improve the psychological well-being. Although the actual phobic symptoms can persist.
In order to eliminate fears requires greater therapeutic effect. Various types of relaxation, including hypnosis. It is shown, and rational psychotherapy, based on logical reasoning (explanation of the true nature of the disease, and the reorientation of pereubezhdenie an adequate understanding of the patient's symptoms of the disease and the need for treatment).