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Neurology, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Oncology, Obesity, Endocrinology, Vascular surgery - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, description of the disease.

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Cataracts in hypocalcemia

Cataracts in hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia is a condition where the blood is reduced content of calcium. Reducing the amount of calcium occurs in certain diseases of hereditary nature of renal failure, rickets, tetany, spazmofilii at any function or accidental deletion of parathyroid glands during surgery.

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Category: Ophthalmology | Views: 8138 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Complicated Cataract

Complicated cataract occurs as a complication of certain diseases of the structures of the eyeball. Most often complicated cataract develops on the background of chronic inflammatory diseases of the uvea (uveitis) caused by tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, etc.

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Category: Ophthalmology | Views: 1997 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Traumatic cataract

Traumatic cataract occurs when the lens of the penetrating wounds, which happens quite often. In this case, in place of injured turbidity occurs, gradually extending to the entire lens. For small lesions capsule defect sometimes closed and formed a small local area turbidity.

Most often cataracts ... Read more »
Category: Ophthalmology | Views: 1172 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Radiation cataract

Radiation cataract is caused by exposure to ionizing radiation at doses that cause acute radiation sickness. The process of developing a cataract can be very long, 10 to 20 years. First, the lens appear cloudy spot near the front and rear of the lens capsule. Gradually, these opacities progressed to full. More sensitive to ionizing radiation and the l ... Read more »

Category: Ophthalmology | Views: 879 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.02.2012 | Comments (0)


Secondary cataract occurs as a complication of cataract surgery. If during cataract surgery is not completely removed and the cavity left eye or tissue fragments of the capsule lens capsule is regeneration and fiber lens. In addition, possible development of inflammation in the choroid and ciliary body.

Category: Ophthalmology | Views: 1218 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Cortical Cataract

When cortical cataract occurs in the cortex of the lens opacities in the periphery, along the equator and the visual acuity is preserved for a long time. Usually turbidity develops on both sides, but it is uneven, asymmetrical.

Stages of development of cortical cataract:
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Category: Ophthalmology | Views: 2243 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Nuclear cataract

Begins with the appearance of brown cataracts severe myopia. If you used to be hyperopia, and the patient used the glasses for close range, in which case he may withdraw from the score.

Occur gradually over the life staining of the nucleus. First, the nucleus becomes gray, then yellow, red, and gradually becomes red-brown. ... Read more »
Category: Ophthalmology | Views: 1066 | Added by: Admin | Date: 01.02.2012 | Comments (0)