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Saturday, 08.02.2025, 22:57
Main » Vascular surgery » Occlusive disease of the aorta and iliac arteries 
Occlusive disease of the aorta and iliac arteries

Abdominal aorta at the bottom is divided into two branches - the iliac arteries. These arteries provide blood flow to the lower part of the human body, namely the lower limbs and genitals. Iliac arteries pass through the pelvis in the lower limbs, where they divide into smaller arteries until the toes. Narrowing and plugging of the lumen of the abdominal aorta and iliac artery occlusive disease develops aorta and iliac arteries.

Normally, the lumen of the aorta and arteries, smooth and uniform. However, with age, as well as in certain diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, the arteries appear fat - the atherosclerotic plaque. They are composed of cholesterol, calcium and fibrous tissue. The more there is plaque in the arteries and the aorta, the more they narrow the lumen and the greater impair blood flow. This process is called atherosclerosis. In the end, there is a narrowing of the arteries to such an extent that the blood on them can not normally be carried out.

Violation of blood flow in the lower extremities leads to ischemia and the occurrence of pain when walking. In severe cases, the absence of blood flow may develop gangrene, which leads to the loss of a limb.

The symptoms of occlusive disease of the aorta and iliac arteries

At the beginning of the disease may experience pain, cramping and fatigue in the legs when walking. These symptoms are called "intermittent claudication", because after a short rest they pass. Over time, the disease worsens, the pain is there with less stress. Eventually the disease progresses to the point where marked pain and cold toes even at rest. The scalp becomes rare. The nails thicken. In addition, men with this disease there is impotence.

If left untreated, the disease progressively worsens. Below are the symptoms of this disease:

  • Severe pain, cold and numbness
  • Sores on the toes, heels and lower regions of lower leg
  • Dryness, peeling and cracked skin on feet. Cracks in the skin can become infected
  • Muscle weakness feet
  • Gangrene (tissue necrosis), which may require amputation

The presence of these symptoms indicates a narrowing in several arteries, thus preventing the development of gangrene will require treatment of several arteries.

Risk factors for disease narrowing of the aorta and iliac vessels

Most cases of occlusive disease of the aorta and iliac vessels associated with atherosclerosis. Risk factors for this disease are:

  • Smoking
  • High Cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Heredity (the presence of close relatives with a similar disease)

In rare cases, can meet such diseases as Takayasu's arteritis, which also causes a narrowing of the arteries of the lower extremities. Usually, Takayasu's arteritis affects young Asian women aged 10-30 years.

Methods of diagnosis of patency of the aorta and iliac vessels

At the beginning of the doctor conducting a general study of health, inquiring about how the disease began, how it progressed, complaints, and the presence of harmful habits. Be sure the measurement is blood pressure and biochemical blood tests. The doctor also conducts determination of the pulse at certain places the feet: it is over ankle and foot, in the popliteal fossa and on his thigh. The doctor not only determines the frequency of the pulse, but also its quality. Additionally, a doctor conducts special tests to determine the nature of blood flow in the lower extremities.

Arm-ankle index. This rate is determined by measuring blood pressure in the ankle and shoulder, and a comparison of these indicators. Normally, these two indicators are equivalent. With a decrease in blood pressure in the ankle twice in comparison with the pressure on your shoulder, you can speak with confidence about the abuse of blood flow in the arteries of the lower extremities. However, this method can not determine the level of arterial obstructions.

Doppler ultrasound - a noninvasive method for diagnosis of vascular disease (arterial or venous) with ultrasound. The method is based on the physical phenomenon of Doppler is used to identify the level of narrowing or blockage of blood vessels
Duplex angioscanning - also one of the diagnostic vascular disease (arterial or venous) by ultrasound, but with more features
Rheovasography - a method based on recording changes in electrical conductivity of tissue associated with fluctuations in the degree of their blood supply. By reovazogramme establish the existence and degree of arterial insufficiency


There are three types of angiography:
contrast angiography - a method which consists in the conduct of a vessel (artery) special catheter which is inserted through the dye. During this process a series of images.
angiography with computed tomography
Angiography with magnetic resonance imaging

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