The most basic and main features of varicose veins include:
Heaviness in the legs
The presence of varicose saphenous veins.
Often the diagnosis of varicose veins on the legs does not cause any difficulties. The patient himself may be seen in his legs extended, twisted veins. But sometimes it needs to carefully examine the surface of the lower leg and thigh. Varicose veins can be seen only in the popliteal fossa or the back of the legs. Sometimes varicose veins can be seen in the hip area.
Varicose veins can be seen at once by its bright expression, and may be barely noticeable, for example, when a thick skin, or, for example, in patients with severe hair on the legs of men. Therefore it is always necessary not only to examine his feet, but feel their fingers. It is possible to identify the tortuosity of the veins.
Another characteristic feature of varicose veins is that the veins "disappear" when the patient lies down or raise the legs (eg, puts them on the chair while resting) and swell (expand) in the upright position, especially with prolonged standing.
For varicose veins feet is also characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the legs, dull pain in them, and sometimes convulsions. In addition, some patients may experience a burning sensation. All these symptoms are usually more severe in the evening, after work or during prolonged standing. It is most often for those people whose work involves prolonged standing on his feet in the same position (surgeons, teachers, etc.).
In the varicose leg also noted a small swelling of soft tissues, usually in the feet, ankles and lower legs.
In the long varikznoy disease, especially when inadequate treatment, or if non is never performed, the disease progresses. Trophic changes occur in the skin of legs and feet. Typically, they manifest the appearance of skin tightening (eg, induration), pigmentation (spots in the form of freckles, only darker). The skin becomes dry, cyanosis, edema may be. with the progression of varicose veins may appear sores, due to malnutrition of the skin.
It should be noted that varicose trophic ulcers (sores as well as related postthrombophlebitic syndrome) usually appear in the medial malleolus (ie, inside the leg) that is associated with characteristic skin blood flow in this area.
Another common symptom of varicose veins feet are thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis, in essence, is a complication of varicose veins. This formation of a blood clot in the vein wall with the accession of phlebitis. Thrombophlebitis manifests the appearance along the vein of local compaction, redness and soreness. Dimensions of the thrombus in this case may be different. With the progression of inflammation, particularly in purulent fusion of thrombus may be deteriorating, appear fever, but if you do not spend adequate treatment, and sepsis.
Varicose veins feet may also, though rarely, observed bleeding from varices ruptures. Usually such bleeding occur at night.