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Sunday, 22.12.2024, 04:01
Main » Endocrinology » Male Menopause 
Male Menopause

Gynecomastia Treatment

World Health Organization defines male menopause, as later developed hypogonadism (lack of function of male reproductive glands).

At the age of 40 to 70 years for men there is a change in the male sex glands. Their main function is reduced by the development of male sex hormones - androgens. Higher center of regulation of the male gonads (testes) loses its sensitivity to testosterone in the testes, degenerative changes occur.

Male menopause - is a normal physiological process of aging, if not accompanied by complaints and clinical manifestations. If there are complaints and changes in the cardiovascular and urogenital systems, menopause is abnormal. This condition is necessarily accompanied by a psycho-neurotic disorders.

In addition to the general aging of the organism causes of male menopause are:
inflammatory diseases of the genital organs:
  • orchitis
  • epididymitis
  • orchiepididymitis
  • testicular tumors
  • circulatory disorders of the testicles
  • effects of ionizing radiation
  • impact of toxic substances in the workplace
  • alcohol intoxication
  • Surgical castration for any medical condition.

If the male menopause occurs before 45 years of age, he is considered an early, if after 60 years - later.

Cardio-vascular system manifested male menopause palpitations, feelings of hot flashes with redness of the face and hands. May arise from a sense of impending dizziness fainting, feeling short of breath, blackouts. In the emotional and physical stress arising palpitations, irregular heart rhythm, constant aching pain in the apex of the heart.

There are differences in blood pressure. Some patients develop a persistent increase in blood pressure and hypertension.

There are changes on the electrocardiogram, which may require a careful examination of the patient to rule out more serious pathology of the heart.

Urinary organs in the body are closely connected with sex, so male menopause is often accompanied by disorders of the genitourinary system. First of all, reduced function of sexual organs.

In 90% of men and there is a violation of decreased sexual desire (libido), decreased the extent and frequency of erections, sexual weakness, impotence. Potency may be reduced gradually - quiet extinction. There are so-called ekzaltatsionny option, which is accelerated ejaculation and a shortening of the duration of sexual intercourse. And the option agitated, neurasthenic, when the extinction of the sexual function is accompanied by brightly colored negative emotions. The degree of manifestation of orgasmic experience is reduced. Along with these forms of reduced semen volume and sperm count.

Weakens the tone of the bladder, which, together with an enlarged prostate (benign tumor of the prostate gland hormone, adenoma), leads to violations of the bladder: a weakening of the jet of urine, slow urination, urine, drop by drop at the end of urination, dull pain in the bladder, urinary retention in the bladder.

Almost always the male menopause, as well as female, accompanied by disorders of the psycho-emotional areas:
  • There is irritability over trifles, increased conflict, anxiety, and fear.
  • There are persistent headaches, dizziness, decreased memory, the ability to concentrate and maintain attention.
  • In some cases dominated by the excitation processes: short temper, irritability, increased blood pressure, while others arise weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, memory loss.
  • In some patients there is latent or overt depression.

In addition, male menopause is accompanied by a variety of endocrine disorders.
The fading function of male gonads, the testes, leading to a decrease in blood levels of male sex hormones, and there is regression of secondary male sex characteristics: sagging skin and muscle, adipose tissue deposition in the female type in the buttocks, thighs, may increase breast (gynecomastia) .

Violated and the function of other endocrine organs: the thyroid gland decreases, there is gipotiroz (hypothyroidism), disrupted pancreatic and may be diabetes.

All manifestations of menopause in different patients can be expressed in different ways, ranging from minor complaints to the rapid manifestation. Typically, male menopause lasts from 2 to 5 years, after which the complaint is gradually disappearing.

Treatment of male menopause.

Treatment of male menopause is complex. Assigned to work and rest, diet, and psychotherapy, including auditory training, appointed by sedatives, antidepressants, if necessary, physical therapy and physiotherapy.

When expressed manifestations of menopause treatment is sometimes performed male sex hormones - androgens:
  • methyltestosterone
  • testosterone
  • sustanon.

But long-term use of androgens leads to atrophy of the testes ambulance. If a patient is worried about the weakening of erection, treatment is prescribed adaptogens (ginseng, Eleutherococcus infusions, Manchurian Aralia, Rhodiola rosea). Sometimes designated Neostigmine, Tentex, the use of ointments applied to the skin of the penis. Applied vitamins, beta-blockers, tools to improve blood circulation etc.

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