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Main » Gastroenterology

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The causes of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer - a chronic disease prone to relapse, characterized by the formation of ulcers in the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum. This disease is one of the most common lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. The frequency of peptic ulcer disease from 8-10% of the adult population. The most common ulc ... Read more »

Category: Gastroenterology | Views: 1100 | Added by: Admin | Date: 23.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Peptic ulcer disease is a chronic process. It takes a long time. Manifestations of the disease depends on its stage, season, sex and age of the patient. The disease onset is usually acute. However, acute onset is usually preceded by symptoms that are called predyazvennym period. Patients have pain in 1-1,5 hours after eating, hunger pains, sometimes at night the pain ... Read more »

Category: Gastroenterology | Views: 1163 | Added by: Admin | Date: 23.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Treatment of peptic ulcer disease includes many components. Appointed by conservative medical treatment. Peace, the exclusion of emotional stress and tension. In the acute stage the patient may be hospitalized for treatment.

It is recommended diet. The diet should be rich in pr ... Read more »
Category: Gastroenterology | Views: 1315 | Added by: Admin | Date: 23.02.2012 | Comments (0)

The symptoms of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Symptomatic gastric and duodenal ulcers is to occur under the influence of yazvoprovotsiruyuschego factor. They are distinguished from peptic ulcer disease that is always possible to identify the precipitating factor, and an ulcer if you remove this factor, ulcer healing and recovery is fairly quick.

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Category: Gastroenterology | Views: 1074 | Added by: Admin | Date: 23.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Treatment

This syndrome was first described in 1955, but the reason it was not known. To date, found that the formation of ulcers in this syndrome is caused by a tumor that produces the hormone gastrin. Gastrin - a hormone substance that stimulates production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Most often the tumor is located in the head or body of the pancreas ( ... Read more »

Category: Gastroenterology | Views: 833 | Added by: Admin | Date: 23.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Anatomy of a duodenum

Duodenum - is part of the intestine, which adjoins directly to the stomach and starts from the sphincter that regulates the flow of bolus from the stomach into the duodenum. The average length of the duodenum in the adult form of about 30 cm of the duodenum resembles a horseshoe.

There are four parts: ... Read more »
Category: Gastroenterology | Views: 5260 | Added by: Admin | Date: 23.02.2012 | Comments (0)

Duodenitis - Treatment of chronic duodenitis

The most common disease of the duodenum - a duodenitis.

Duodenitis - an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of dystrophic duodenum. Thus there is a restructuring of the elements of the intestinal mucosa, the gradual atrophy of the glandular apparatus of the duodenum.
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Category: Gastroenterology | Views: 11845 | Added by: Admin | Date: 23.02.2012 | Comments (0)

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