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» Factors influencing the course of breast cancer recurrence
Factors influencing the course of breast cancer recurrence
Factors influencing the course of breast cancer recurrence
Know that if you revealed a tumor recurrence or metastasis, at present you do not have to be subjected to treatments that have been in the recent past. Some women, this problem can literally "unsettle". They begin to ask different questions, for example, was it worth it to spend just a mastectomy instead of breast conservation, etc. They appear to doubt the correctness of the treatment, the competence of doctors, as well as an insult to them, for themselves and their bodies.
However, it is necessary to pull yourself together, because the panic will not lead to anything useful, except to emotional stress. Remember that both the breast cancer - is not a death sentence, and its recurrence or metastases - does not mean that all is lost! Modern oncology is quite capable to deal effectively with this problem.
The diagnosis of recurrent or metastatic breast cancer, of course, is afraid of a woman. After all, like, she got rid of this disease, but it turns out, everything returns to normal. Naturally, questions arise: how could this happen, because I'm so treated, has spent much effort and money, strictly followed the recommendations of doctors. Moreover it is very sad when recurrences or metastases detected five years after cancer treatment.
This is a situation where the imperfections are obvious methods of diagnosis. Their sensitivity is such that they are able to identify the tumor size at least half a centimeter. However, to "see" a small cluster of cancer cells in tissues has not the strength of any one of the available diagnostic methods. These cancer cells that survived after treatment of the tumor may grow and spread to other areas. As a growing tumor had already become visible on x-ray may be palpable or cause any symptoms.
In 20 - 30% of women with breast cancer, the tumor is gradually beginning to spread to other areas.
In 30 - 60% of breast cancers, while lymph node metastases observed spread to other areas. The risk of metastatic cancer depends primarily on tumor size and number of lymph nodes.
Now oncologists and mammalogy are more effective methods of treating this problem. In one of the large studies have shown how much today increased the level of a five-year survival rate of patients with breast cancer compared to previous decades.
Factors influencing the course of the disease
In what area of relapsed / metastasis, and its prevalence. Characteristics of relapse. How much time has passed since the last time the treatment of breast cancer What were treated for cancer The general condition of the patient.
Thus, biopsies and other research methods clearly tell - you have found a relapse. What to do now? Of course, it is necessary to begin treatment.
This process will involve professionals such as:
The surgeon, who spends a biopsy and other surgical procedures, while including the removal of metastases.
Oncologist who specializes in chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy. / LI> Specialist radiologist, who is undergoing radiation therapy used in these manifestations of metastases such as pain, bleeding, neurological disorders, changes in the skeletal system, etc.
Specialist radiologist, who is undergoing radiologic studies, and research methods (mammography, MRI, CT).
Specialist pathologist who examines biopsy material and specifies the characteristics of a tumor.
All these experts will be involved in the process of diagnosis and treatment of recurrence or metastasis. Just note that it is very good, if after the last treatment you have developed relationships with physicians. However, some patients in case of recurrence want to be treated by other physicians in other medical centers. Well, that's right for each patient. Although not the fact that new doctors have some new knowledge or methods of treatment, but the new doctor - a fresh look at the problem.