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Friday, 24.01.2025, 06:41
Main » Ophthalmology » Chlamydial conjunctivitis 
Chlamydial conjunctivitis

Chlamydial conjunctivitis

Chlamydial conjunctivitis caused by microorganisms, which are neither viruses nor bacteria, but may exhibit properties and one other. This is a separate class of intracellular parasites, which has been identified only recently.

Chlamydia can cause two types of diseases of the conjunctiva:


Trachoma - a serious disease of the body that affects the conjunctiva, cornea, lacrimal organs, ever. In prerevolutionary Russia, trachoma was widespread and was the main cause of blindness. Now trachoma is common in underdeveloped countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. It is believed that due to the achievements of Soviet medicine in Russia trachoma is not found. Type (strain) of chlamydia that cause trachoma disease, nowhere else in the human body can not exist.

Trachoma begins gradually and imperceptibly. Complaints may arise a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, a feeling of sand in the eyes, eyelids sticking in the morning. Gradually, a thickening of the conjunctiva, which becomes cherry color. Then, in the thickness of the mucous membrane appeared dense vesicles, the surface of the conjunctiva becomes bumpy. Thickening of the mucous membrane continues, it sticks out of the eye slit, reminding the "rooster combs." Gradually, the process involves the cornea. The deposition of the first bubble (follicle), which are then converted into the holes. The entire cornea thickens, it becomes cloudy. This state is called a corneal pannus trachomatous (curtain). After remitting the acute process is scarring, which involves not only the superficial and deep tissue of the eye. Scarring of the cornea is exposed.

Mild cases of trachoma, after the disease when vision remains rare, the disease usually lasts for years and ends with blindness. Complications of trachoma are trichiasis (abnormal growth of eyelashes) or stopping the growth of eyelashes and hair loss age, education, twisting century (entropion), sinblefaron (fusion of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and mucous membrane of the eyeball), disruption of glands that produce lacrimal fluid, and dryness of the cornea (xerosis) . That xerosis often leads to blindness.

Treatment of trachoma

It is used in laying the conjunctival sac of ointments with antibiotics from 3 to 6 times a day for three months, or once a day laying dibiomitsinovuyu ointment for long periods. Sometimes you have to remove the follicles with special instruments.

Treatment of complications of trachoma surgery. Performs a variety of plastic surgery.


Chlamydial conjunctivitis or Paratrahoma is still okulourogenitelnoy infection. This type of conjunctivitis cause chlamydia, which affects the genitourinary tract (urogenital chlamydia). Sick people usually young, sexually active. The infection gets into the eyes of the urinary and genital organs with unwashed hands, sometimes with towels, bathing in the pool. Very often chlamydial conjunctivitis is combined not only with Chlamydia trachomatis urogenital tract, but also with the defeat of the joints. Previously, this disease called Reiter's syndrome.

Sometimes chlamydial conjunctivitis may occur in isolation. More often ill one eye. The disease usually begins acutely with swelling and redness of the eyelids. After a few days increases and becomes painful parotid salivary gland. Released from the eye at first slimy, then purulent contents. After 1-2 weeks the mucous membrane of the eye appear follicles (vesicles) of large and small sizes. Sometimes, the follicles appear on the cornea. Usually after 2-3 months, patients recover, but sometimes the disease takes a chronic course.

Very rarely chlamydial conjunctivitis can be severe, resembling trachoma. Newborn babies can get chlamydial infection during passage through the birth canal mother in childbirth. Almost always in newborns suffer from both eyes. Conjunctivitis occurs sharply, accompanied by copious purulent discharge from the eyes. Sometimes the mucous membrane of the eye produced the film, which can be easily removed. Most often the film appear on the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid.

Treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis. Appointed by laying into the conjunctival sac with antibiotic ointment 5-6 times a day. Necessary treatment of the underlying disease - the urogenital chlamydiosis.

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