Choroid - is the middle membrane of the eyeball. It consists of the choroid (choroid) in the back of the eye, the ciliary body or ciliary average department and the anterior part of - the iris.
Iris or iris in the anterior part of the eye. It is formed of loose connective tissue and vascular network. In the center of the iris is opening - the pupil, who plays the diaphragm, regulating the amount of light reaching the eye. Changing the diameter of the pupil under the influence of light emission is called the reaction of pupils to light or pupillary reflex. Narrows and widens the pupil through the work of two muscles located in the iris. This muscle constrict the pupil and the pupil expands muscle. The color of the iris depends on the number of its special cells melanophores containing melanin. The more melanin, the darker the color of the iris. For peripheral edge of the iris or ciliary changes in ciliary body. Ciliary body from the outside covered with sclera. It has a ring-shaped and consists of connective tissue, blood vessels, ciliary muscle and ciliary processes of the body. By the spikes of ciliary body with a special round ligament attached lens. One of the most important functions of the ciliary body is involved in the process of accommodation. Spines of ciliary body produce aqueous humor, which is fed through education eyes that do not have their own vessels (cornea, lens, vitreous body) and provides a constant intraocular pressure.
Choroid consists of a large number of vessels and took back two thirds of the choroid. Its main function - power of the retina.
Aniridia Aniridia - a congenital absence of the iris. It is accompanied by a marked reduction in visual acuity, which is almost impossible to correct, photophobia, horizontal nystagmus (rhythmic jerking of the eyeball in the horizontal direction). Perhaps a combination of the lack of an iris with congenital glaucoma. treatment of aniridia Assigned to wear special contact lenses manufactured individually. They are painted on the periphery than create an imitation of the pupil. Sometimes performed reconstructive plastic surgery (collagen reconstruction).
Coloboma Iris coloboma (from the Greek word koloboma - shortening contraction) iris coloboma is a defect of the iris, which is not part of the iris. Usually the iris defect, pear-shaped and located at the bottom. Often it is a hole in the iris of a pear-shaped with intact pupillary margin. There are unilateral and bilateral coloboma. Vision impaired by coloboma colobomas little or umerenno.Lechenie at a significant loss of vision can be surgically (collagen plastic). Coloboma of ciliary body. In this congenital anomalies of the missing part of the ciliary body. This is evident violation of the accommodation (adaptation eyes to the vision of close objects.) Treatment of coloboma of ciliary body is not developed.
Choroidal coloboma or proper choroid is visible when viewed from the fundus. It is a white area with irregular edges. Most often it is located in the lower part of the fundus. Depending on the size and location of choroidal coloboma can greatly reduce vision because the retina, which were supposed to nurture these vessels is defective. Treatment has not been developed.
Korektopiya and polycor Korektopiya
Korektopiya - this eccentric arrangement of the pupil. Pupil at the same time shifted or what direction. Violation of this pathology is moderate. Treatment korektopii operative.
Policoro - there are several pupils in the iris. This pathology in the iris of the defects produced in the form of holes. There may be many. Each of them has a muscle constrict the pupil. If there is a polycor reduced vision and discomfort when looking at the light. Treatment if necessary, surgical (collagen plastic)
Pupillary membrane
Pupillary membrane or residual represents the remains of embryonic tissue in the area of the pupil. It may have a different shape in the form of twigs, cobwebs, and is usually attached to the iris. Sometimes this can be a dense membrane and interfere with vision or lead to difficulty of intraocular fluid, which can manifest congenital glaucoma.
Treatment is usually the pupillary membrane is not required, but the visual impairment or increased intraocular pressure, surgical treatment.