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Endocrine Infertility

Endocrine Infertility

A few words about the treatment of endocrine infertility. In rare cases it can be treated with herbs, needles, and other "non-traditional methods."

However, in most cases, these approaches are inefficient and not objecting in principle to attempt to try them, we would like to warn against too much euphoria and unnecessarily long for their application. Typically, this is a waste of time, in the case of infertile marriages very precious and limited.

In cases where the cause of obesity, endocrine disorders is associated with overeating or improper diet, good results can give a weight reduction through diet and increased physical activity. Weight loss in many cases it is desirable and sometimes necessary component of a comprehensive treatment of endocrine infertility in combination with hormone therapy, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, and sometimes by itself.

The striking effect of normalization of menstrual function allows normal walking for 1-2 hours a day.

Not so rare hormonal disorders and infertility associated with acute and / or excessive weight loss on the basis of the desire for a certain aesthetic ideal. It is important to know that the normal menstrual function is established only at a certain ("threshold"), body weight is genetically pre-determined for each woman. Weight loss below this threshold causes cessation of menstruation, and restore it to its original threshold, in contrast, leads to the restoration of the menstrual cycle.

The majority of cases requires the hormonal endocrine infertility treatment. There is two diametrically opposed, but equally wrong, look at this kind of treatment.

First sight, or, better said, softly approach can be called frivolous, because it is not taken hormonal drugs prescribed by a doctor, and at its sole discretion, as a rule, based on the advice of friends, who had heard somewhere that they helped someone. It is important to realize that the hormones - it's not vitamins, but taking the latter out of control, as we know, too, can bring significant harm to the body.

Hormones - a serious drugs, whose action often depends not only on the species, but the doses and schemes of their application. Being adopted is not indicated, they can cause significant and sometimes irreversible damage of the endocrine mechanisms, which then can not cope no doctor.

The opposite approach - it is the fear of hormone treatment, the belief that all hormones are harmful, leading to an excessive obesity and body hair with a monstrous transformation followed a woman into a man. The extreme position - "better to die than hormones". This is absolutely a misconception about the action of hormones was born from a purely mechanical transfer to hormonal agents used in gynecology, and consumer understanding of side effects completely different hormone preparations used in the other, neginekologicheskih diseases. Such a position, even in cases where the doctor can not persuade the patient to take medication, treatment dooms to failure, because psychological resistance, waiting for the nightmarish consequences of a powerful brake on therapeutic effect of drugs.

It is important to know that the testimony taken on the hormonal drugs are not only not harmful and do not cause cosmetic damage, but the opposite - very effective and help improve the appearance of women.

From the foregoing it is clear that the main condition for a favorable and effective action of hormones - this is their method of appointment of a qualified physician.

It is believed that with proper treatment in 70-80% of patients with endocrine form of infertility can achieve pregnancy.

The greatest effect was observed in the treatment of infertility in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (Stein-Leventhal syndrome) - 80-90%. However, 10-20% of patients still do not lend themselves to conservative treatment. In these cases, resorting to surgery. Until recently, the most common type of surgical treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome was to wedge resection. After this surgery, 60-70% of patients recovered ovulatory menstrual cycle, but the pregnancy rate is much lower - only 20-40%.

This is due to the fact that many women have formed adhesions after surgery in the pelvis, breaking patency of the fallopian tubes, ie, the endocrine form of infertility goes into tube-peritoneal. This fact has led many experts to use for surgical treatment of polycystic ovaries is not large abdominal surgery, and laparoscopy. Among the many options for laparoscopic surgery as the most effective for recovery of menstrual function, and in relation to pregnancy is laparoscopic ovarian termokauterizatsiya. Percentage of pregnancy after the use of up to 80-90% (subject to satisfactory tubal patency and fertility of sperm).

Most patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility is not so much worried about how much cosmetic defects specific to the disease - hirsutism, acne, obesity. It should be noted that neither conservative nor surgical treatment does not lead to a reduction of excessive body hair, but it can stop its progression. Acne often disappear after the establishment of a normal menstrual cycle, obesity regresses, usually only as a result of special efforts.

Another endocrine disorder - hyperprolactinemia - is often the cause of infertility, and fairly easy to hormonal treatment. It is associated with higher blood hormone - prolactin - and manifests itself in the form of discharge from the breast milk, or colostrum, as well as various versions of menstrual function disorders - from mild insufficiency of the corpus luteum until the complete cessation of menstruation.

Here we have to remember only one thing - high levels of prolactin is sometimes a manifestation of a pituitary tumor or other brain regions, and indicates the need for surgical treatment. Therefore, the requirement to make a doctor's skull X-ray should be taken seriously.

Significantly more elevated prolactin is a consequence of
intake of various drugs - sedatives, hypnotics, hormones, etc.
prolonged fasting (eg for the purpose of weight loss)
chronic stress, and many other circumstances.

As mentioned above, this form of infertility can be treated quite easily.

Common symptom of endocrine disorders, defining and accompanying infertility, are dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It is important to know that they are not a separate disease, but only a symptom of other diseases, most of all - polycystic ovary syndrome. Therapies directed at the underlying disease, leads to the cessation of bleeding as well as to cure infertility. The task of the doctor - to exclude other than hormonal disorders, causes of bleeding such as bleeding disorder.

Often the cause of infertility is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, without striking clinical manifestations of it. Attention is drawn to the doctor for such symptoms as heart attacks, a sense of disruption in the heart, weakness, sweating, insomnia, anxiety, tearfulness, or vice versa apathy, lethargy, wanton increase or, conversely, weight loss, feeling of warmth or coldness, constipation or diarrhea.

Treatment aimed at normalizing thyroid function and often leads to pregnancy. However, taking certain drugs that may affect the status of the unborn child. Therefore, you should fully heed the request of a physician reliably protected against pregnancy during treatment.

The most difficult but not hopeless, is the treatment of infertility associated with premature depletion of ovarian function. In rare cases, pregnancy occurs spontaneously or after hormonal treatment. Currently, the most promising may be considered this form of infertility through IVF using donor eggs or embryos.

In cases where the cause of infertility is the adhesions caused by endometriosis, have resorted to surgical treatment with excision of adhesions, either by laparotomy or laparoscopy at the time with simultaneous or subsequent appointment of hormones. In recent years, more and more widely used to treat endometriosis agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, of which our country registered drugs such as Zoladex, Zeneca Company, and Dekapeptil-Depot, Ferring Company. Good results were obtained in the treatment of this form of infertility by IVF.

Treatment of male infertility is the responsibility of Urology, andrology. Sometimes it is an anti-inflammatory treatment to semen improved significantly.

Hormonal treatment of endocrine forms of male infertility in many cases very effectively. Finally, in some cases, success can bring surgical treatment. In the absence of the effect of all these treatments, couples should focus on in vitro fertilization, whose form will be determined by your doctor.

The most effective treatment for male infertility is sometimes combined IVF ICSI. In identifying the incompatibility of the couple, as a cause of infertility treatment should be directed to the use of artificial insemination.

Treatment of unexplained infertility is also a serious problem. Sometimes it turns out to be an effective hormone treatment, aimed at stimulating ovulation, although the patient has their own ovulation. Most have to resort to methods of artificial insemination, with the most effective of them is again IVF.

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