Acute hepatitis - an inflammatory disease of the liver. It is characterized by inflammatory and necrotic changes (death) of liver cells.
Due to the development of acute hepatitis may include: infectious toxic drugs.
Infections cause of acute hepatitis are hepatitis viruses A, B, C, E, D, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, Epstein-Barr virus, leptospira, mycoplasma, rickettsia. The most common hepatitis caused by hepatitis viruses A, B and C.
Toxic hepatitis can be caused by alcohol (the most common cause), and various chemicals (iron salts, chlorine), toxins, fungi.
Viral hepatitis occur by ingestion of hepatotropic viruses. Ways of transmission is usually through fecal-oral (in contact with feces in his mouth the patient, for example, due to unwashed hands) and contact. Liver damage seen an increase in its size and the violation of its functions. This is usually accompanied by signs of intoxication, and from the whole organism.