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Thursday, 24.10.2024, 06:43
Main » Neurosurgery » Treatment of brain tumors 
Treatment of brain tumors

Treatment of brain tumors

In principle, the treatment of brain tumors does not differ much from the principles of treating tumors in other organs.

Among the methods used for the treatment of brain tumors secrete symptomatic treatment and radical. Symptomatic treatment - a treatment that aims to eliminate the manifestations of the tumor. Often this type of treatment carried out in patients with inoperable tumors, ie those that can not be deleted due to various reasons.

For radical treatments include the following:

Surgical treatment. Surgical removal of brain tumors - a very complicated process, because here the surgeon does not deal with the abdominal cavity whose walls are quite soft and elastic, so that "space" for the knife is always possible to stretch a bit. The brain is located in the skull, the walls of which can stretch anywhere. In addition, if conventional surgery for cancer surgeon conducts excision "with reserve", removing with it the portion of healthy tissue, to make such a brain - is impossible, since every millimeter of the brain responsible for certain functions. At the present time are increasingly used instead of a scalpel and laser ultrasonic technique, which improved several of its effectiveness. The specific method of intervention and its method of conducting individual for each patient and depends on tumor size and its cellular composition.

Radiation therapy. This method of treatment as in any other field of oncology is important, because of limitations of "maneuvering" in the cranial cavity scalpel surgery. For the treatment of brain tumors are used primarily remote gamma-therapy (or "gamma knife"). Irradiation carried out locally on the tumor or surgery, or totally for the whole brain with no possibility of local education. The radiation dose is chosen by the doctor individually, depending on the size of the tumor, its composition and depth. Depending on the types of tumors formed by various schemes of radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy of tumors consists of introducing into the body much chemotherapy that affect the malignant cells. Currently, there are different groups of these drugs. For the chemotherapy drugs used alkylating group, antimetabolites, drugs of natural origin, antiblasticheskie antibiotics, synthetic and semisynthetic drugs. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is increased when it is combined with radiation therapy, and the course should consist of several drugs.

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